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influencia indebida

A member registered Jun 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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Spoilers . . . Learning curve gets suddenly steep when those guys arrive, one is just about getting comfortable with controllers, but I get there seems to be no 2nd level so in a game jam you had to jam it up real fast. But I loved the idea, I was hearbroken fighting my truck. </3 It was really cool, I hope some of you remain in contact. (Am I wrong? Is there a second level? I just played it once, so far.)

way to go!

Hi! I’m a poet tapping into video game media as another way of expression. I’m learning Godot but Bitsy comes in very handy as a step in the ladder. I’ve got more than a scene made so far! Not the next best-seller but will it get published? I hope so.

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Talk to everyone starting with Pollito and be wary of the Cat

It's a knit idea, indeed

Is there a Github to get the source? It'd be great to implement keboard input for journal entries!

(1 edit)

uwu! thank you! so so much!

Looks so nice! THNX pal! you're an awesome dude!


I'm a lesbian. Also trans girl / cis girl would be loveable

pls add F/F, and have you considered other combinations? <3