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Spencer Alves

A member registered Jun 23, 2014 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I’m really not sure how to use this. I tried a couple of square images, but it looks like they didn’t fill up the canvas. So I guess there’s a minimum pixel size requirement, but I don’t know what that is or why I can’t change it.

Good work. For me the embed view was landscape but the tool UI was portrait, making it very small on screen, so I had to adjust it manually.

Nice work. I had an issue that my desktop dark theme made all the text light gray but the background was still white. There’s also an issue with updating a password for a site that doesn’t exist. I would have expected the button to update the one I have selected. I like the feature to include words at the beginning/end of generated passwords. It would be nice to be able to save passwords directly from the generator screen, rather than having to copy them over. I also would have expected passwords on the database screen to be hidden by default, maybe revealed by pressing a button.

Thanks! The addon uses HTML image maps for hotspots, which do actually support arbitrary polygons, but I couldn’t think of a good UI for creating them. Plus the limited time I had, and also I figured that it couldn’t be that bad if the original games I was cloning also only used boxes. I’ll look into it for the future though!

(1 edit)

Thanks! I have lots of ideas for new features that I’d like to add (music & sound, immersive animations, 360, non-web platforms…), but I’d be open to hear more.

You’re actually the second person to suggest that! It will take some work on my end to get it to work well though, since right now it renders every possible combination of game states—so a screen with 10 togglable objects would need over 1000 renders!

Wow! This looks very extensive, and could be fun to use either for composition or for live performance. Unfortunately I’m unable to get MIDI to work in either Firefox or Chromium, even when running it outside the iframe. It also took me a while to figure out that I had to assign a channel to a block in order for anything to play. I think it would be nice to either have some examples to play with, or a tutorial or guide, in addition to the help screen.

Neat idea. The sound effects are fun and silly, but it would be nice if they were designed for the tool rather than ripped from other things. I like the interface style, and I liked the animation for moving tasks around, even if it was a bit glitchy.


I like the idea of a text editor specifically writing encrypted journal entries. And for that it’s nice that your app starts up ready to write today’s entry! But otherwise I found the user interface very confusing. It’s a console app, which I guess isn’t so bad for being focused on text, but I expected to be able to just double-click it. It took me a bit to figure out that I had to create my own encryption key. It would be nice if it prompted you on the first launch to create one. I also thought it was confusing that the key and entries are both stored next to the executable, and not e.g. the CWD, since I thought the point was to keep them separate.

Oh and also use ESC to unlock the cursor. The sensitivity slider is just mouse movement control.

You move around with the mouse. Try looking at the path and clicking when the cursor lights up. Though, it's only a few seconds long total anyway. Thanks for checking it out!