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A member registered Jun 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hope you find one. I'm bad at it and won't be any good to you.

What kind of 2D art are you looking for? Pixel or just plain old Digital art?

Nicely done. Simple and fun. Great mini games and a great setting for them.

Great game.  concept makes it very repayable. The breakable walls is a good addition.
levels got intense fast.  Have some more Open planned areas. Starting a player in a cramped corridor at spawn is hardcore. XD

the art is awesome. platforming feels great.
But could you add input for the normal arrows as well. and also having the jump on the up keys? The relation of the buttons makes it difficult to  get smooth platforming.

Cool game. Core is there and art is on point.
Maybe having the choice to zoom out so player can see the whole lane. XD

Would making the level slightly larger help? 

Thank you so much.

Hey TTMead

I have sent you a discord friend request. Want to try out this Game Jam?

(1 edit)

Hey Guys

I am looking to join a team of awesome game dev so we can create something amazing and fun for people to enjoy. I am open to any game concept. My time Zone is  GMT+2 and I'm available most of the time.
Feel free to contact me through Discord:  Toshido-{AV}-#3604

Game Dev Experience:
i am a super newbie in this space but i have knowledge in Unity and c#.  Although i have worked on my own with Unity Assets and mostly tutorials, I feel comfortable taking on a challenge that will test my knowledge thus far.


am proficient in design, primarily in the digital space. I have loads od experience in UI/UX. And I would love to be involved in level design too

I can code in c# and have a couple of hours in the Unity Game Engine.

Thank you for your time