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A member registered Jun 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot!

Oh ok, thanks for warning me :)

Wow, this was amazing. Trully deserves to win. I would honestly buy an upgraded version of this on Steam or whatever. Only thing I can say is the timer got to negative numbers at the end. Best game I've tried so far :)

Thank you! It really means a lot :)

Simple idea, yet great execution. Well done!

I didn't understand that crashing against other planes gives fuel until the game told me. Anyways, great game!

This is a masterpiece.


True, there's not a lot of "defense", and since I tried it a lot myself maybe I didn't notice it was too hard. Anyways, thanks for the feedback :D

Thank you! I'm planning on adding more things and making a "full" version of the game :)

(1 edit)

Sorry, it may be my bad PC, but the game went on 1 FPS :(

It looks great though :)

Thank you! I will probably update the game fixing that kind of things once the Jam ends :)

Very original! Only thing I could say is that there were a couple bugs with the slime. However it doesn't look that much like a bug since it's a slime. I would pay for a full version of the game, with more levels, mechanics, etc

Could you send me a video of what was happening? I don't know if it's possible to send videos here, but this seems like a bug

You have to clcik when the number on the screen and the customer's petiton match. The closer they are the more points you get :)

I guess I didn't explain well the game, sorry about that.

In the game you have to click or press the spacebar in order to stop the counter. The nearer you stop it to what the customer asked, the more points you get.

The game should restart automatically when you lose, you don't have to click anywhere.

Thank you for playing :D

I love it! The idea is very good and the graphics and soundtracks are also great. The sound effects are amazing and it's also very fun to play. Amazing game overall :)

Gracias :)

Hola! Me podrías enviar una imagen de buena calidad del juego? Es para incluirla en la miniatura del directo probando los juegos. Gracias :)

Good game! It would be nice to somehow know when you lost health.

Wow, I didn't expect the "DONT let all the air GO OUTSIDE of the spaceship". Overall, it's a pretty good game, nice work you've done!

Nice game! It would be nice to somehow know with which object you can interact.

Thank you! I will work on this game so stay tuned!

Thank you, I'm very proud of reading this. I (probably) will work on improve it.

Thanks for your suggestion! ;)

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for your post, it truly means a lot for me. As you said, the controls and gameplay aren't the best, I didn't have time to improve them. 

However, I'm planning on making a better, improved version of the game and (maybe) release it somewhere else.

Million thanks for your post! :)