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A member registered Jul 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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muy fan de los textos y el artsyle :)

Cool music, cute art and fun gameplay :)

Yeah that's a problem we're looking into. Thanks for playing!

Thank you! :)

thank you! :)


Thank you :)

Thanks! :)

The concept is very original and the presentation is good, but the gameplay loop gets repetitive really quickly. Maybe you could add some growing difficulty levels in every wave.

Good job! :)

Good soundtrack and art, the presentation is very professional :)

I'm sure it could make for a cool casual game with some more depth in its mechanics

Great job!

Thank you!

Thanks! Yeah, we're planning on improving accessibility :)


Thank you :)

Hahah thanks! :)

Cool concept! Gameplay is quite hard tho. Maybe you could add some indication of how to force an attack or smth, cuz getting the enemy to shoot at the wall with the laser is really hard.

Good job! :)

The visual aspect of the game is really original, and the gameplay is easy to understand.

Good job!! :)

Great concept! Shame it is a bit lacking in presentation.

Good job!

Cool concept! Would make for a fantastic mobile game with a better visual presentation!

Interesting idea. Shame you couldn't develop it further!

Cute game, good presentation and interesting mechanics!

My main complaint is that the levels don't seem to be made for the mechanics: I can swing enemies around but the void at the edge of the small area punishes me if i move to much. The enemies appear aswell too close so as to react, maybe extending the camera view could help.

Overall very good presentation and interesting mechanics but the level design has to be rethougt to fit with the gameplay and make the experience truly fun, based around technique and not memory of where do enemies spawn.

Good job! :)

I can see that you know how to exploit the mechanics you come up with, you've made some very interesting puzzles.

Good job! :)

This game is super charming and super cute, it's great! :)

The sound design and music are on point, and the general presentation is very good.

It reminds me of Pikmin and the only thing missing are some more levels that explore in more depth the mechanics.

Great job! :)

The ones that just stand still probably haven't evolved the moving gene, they will eventually die, as part of natural selection. However, the moving gene is easier to get than other genes.

 I'm looking into implementing flocking motion / boids to the family cells so that they move in a more realistic way, but I need time to develop such a big change. 

Thanks for the feedback!

That's my original intention, but I'm yet teaching myself procedural generation and I've got no idea on how to do that... I guess I should do something similar to how minecraft does it, with separated chunks

(1 edit)

Cool idea! I am currently working on another project so I'm not paying any attention at all to this project. However, when I finish the other one I'll come back, since I've got some ideas to implement... Thanks for the feedback!!

I'm afraid to say that I prefer to just publish my game here, since this is a site that I know well and really like. However, thanks for the offer!

Hey, I just found out about your game and it looks gorgeous! I was wondering where could I download the latest version!

Simplistic but interesting, with a little bit of polish this could be really good. I love how the vines move around the city, by the way xD

It looks really cool (judging by the screenshots) but some controls might be needed since I didn't really know how to infest the rest of the city. Good job though!

Yes I did! I afraid to tell you that the slopes have been removed temporarily, since the players' colliders are boxes for now, and collide strongly with these slopes slowing them down, however I'll soon make it so that the vehicles move more smoothly over the surface. It will be a racing game and yes, I'm trying to give it an old school approach. Thanks for all your feedback, it's really helping me head somewhere! :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! :)

I'm now trying to give some personality to the scenery. Any ideas? I'm thinking on neon or some futuristic thing...

Too late for being nice to you for your feedback.

Thanks, I'll have that in account when I rate completely objectively your submission

Hey there, I published this at the last moment and so there's not description or even a Download button. I know Mark Brown said that thing of writing him an email, but I didn't even see it. 

The thing is, as the game is terrible, the page for it also has to be terrible. The thing is: To download it you have to go to the game page and download it from freaknig GOOGLE DRIVE.

I'm gonna be honest, the game is not as bad (and really has roughly nothing to do with the picture) as it seems, so come on, give it a try.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm afraid I couldn't improve the combat system :(

Yeah, would be nice! :)