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A member registered Oct 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Fixed

Thanks for the report! It should be fixed now

Should be fixed!

Thanks for the report! Restarting should work now without messing up the variables.

I also hopefully fixed the 0 will thing.

And I actually planned on including both those things you suggested, then ran out of time! The plan for will loss specifically was that as your will dropped below some threshold, the dealer would start "recommending" some very bad ideas (i.e. rolling your D12 when your first roll is already close to the line, rolling your D2 when you've already rolled a 1, etc.). The lower your will, the more likely you are to want to do what the dealer says.

The idea was that losing both will and intelligence would incur gameplay detriments, so you kinda get trapped in a losing spiral as your losses accrue (unless you get lucky). I also wanted to make other changes to the dialogue due to having low will/int, but that also was scrapped in the interest of getting this submitted by the jam deadline.

I still plan to implement these features at some point, I just need a solid chunk of time to sit down and code it. I'm open to other suggestions as well!

Should be fixed now (hopefully)!

Thanks for the report! Should be fixed :)

Thank you!!! And no, I only got into Twine as a writer who wanted to have a little more interactivity. I unfortunately have no other gamedev or visual art skills :(

I totally agree that I wish there were at least some visual component here, but it is not in my powers independently. I have considered trying to implement character portraits for the player and the naga, which would change in expression based on the game state and the player's stats, so if I can find an artist I really like and can afford, maybe that'll be in here at some point.

Alternatively (and I assume this is a longshot) if anyone with skills in UI/visual art/other game tools ever wanted to team up to overhaul this game (or at least the concept), I'd be thrilled :)

(1 edit)

Hi! I've been making endless tweaks to the gambling mechanics to try to get the odds right between the player and the dealer. It originally worked such that the dealer would roll two dice simultaneously (I just wrote some logic for him to choose the two dice based on the Line). I found that this resulted in just a ton of variance in the dealer rolls, with him either busting or rolling very low most of the time. By playing a "safe" strategy (basically never risking busting), the player could get a 70%+ winrate.

To tweak this, I've now made it such that the dealer rolls each die independently. He chooses his second die based on the outcome of the first roll (just like the player does). I currently have the logic configured such that the dealer will usually play it safe, but will occasionally get greedy and take a small risk of busting.

I'm going to update the text in future updates so it's clear that the dealer is rolling the die sequentially. I don't want it to feel like the dealer is cheating with his rolls.

Hello all! Seeing the (extremely based) theme of the jam this year inspired me to try to get back into Twine/horny games after a long absence :)

tldr: I have a working early prototype for my game, and am looking for people to playtest the basic game loop! Game is here, and password is "ophisops"

Full description:

You're a down-on-your-luck adventurer who wakes up in a tavern with an urgent need for gold to pay off debts. You meet a hooded figure in the tavern who offers you the opportunity to win gold in a game of chance, a dice game called "Snake Eyes". That you are penniless at the moment is no issue: the shadowy figure assures you that you have other possessions of value to wager...

In a nutshell, it's a gambling game in a DnD-like setting where you wager your stats in the hope of winning gold. The dealer is a shady naga with *lovely* eyes who is more than happy to drain your stats (specifically WILL and INT) when you lose. Losing too much of either stat may have consequences, and it sure would be a shame if either were drained to zero...

Currently, I have the base gambling game fully-coded as a very bare-bones prototype. It's a blackjack-like dice game where you roll dice to score as close as you can to a pre-set "line" without going over. If you don't bust and beat the dealer's score, you win! Otherwise you lose. As a fun little twist, if you roll two "ones" in a round ("Snake Eyes"), you also lose. The wagering system isn't working yet, so currently the gameplay is just a loop of either winning or losing each round. As such, there's also no fun horny hypno stuff. YET...

What I could really use right now is some preliminary playtesting to ensure that the base game works and has interesting gameplay (requires some skill, and is neither too easy nor too hard to win). Lots of things I have considered tweaking to adjust the difficulty, but I would love to get some outside opinions before going too crazy. Any opinions/suggestions/complaints are extremely welcome :)

And (this is longshot) if anyone feels inspired to contribute any talents (art, UI design, sound, etc.) at this late stage, lmk. I am but a humble writer with baby-level Twine-coding skills. I am happy to release this as a simple solo-project text-based game, but I would not be opposed to collaboration :)


This is the most up-to-date public build!

Thank you!!!

Because I haven't remembered to update that! Thanks for pointing it out!

There will be petplay :)

The roll to escape the trap isn't supposed to be easy, but definitely very doable! It's a moderately-high strength check I believe.

Regarding the description of the PC, that's what I'd intended the Status portion of the sidebar to be. If you have any ideas how I could make this more effective, I'm all ears, but I'm not crazy about adding a whole new feature to do something very similar. And sadly, I don't currently have any plans to add visuals as I lack any visual art skills myself. If an artist ever wanted to team up, that would be amazing, but don't hold your breath!

Sorry to hear that! Can you provide more info about where the error was/what prompted it?

What roll specifically are you referring to? Like when the hare beckons you back after you drink the potion? If so, that's intentionally set to be a pretty high willpower check, but perhaps I've set it too high. I will investigate!

And the tedium of combat is something I was kinda worried about. I'll definitely make some changes to address that, and your two ideas (PC damage boost and PC dodge nerf) are what I'm currently leaning towards to speed up combat  encounters.

And what do you mean by examining the PC? Like a textual description of the character, or something visual?

And btw, you don't come off as a jerk in the slightest! I appreciate the feedback :)

Thank you so much! For the kind words and the bug reports! I'll get to fixing those ASAP.

I'm glad the dungeon crawler mechanics are looking mostly ok! This is my first project involving fairly involved coding/logic and I don't have any formal coding experience, so I'm assuming I'm doing things very awkwardly. But hey, if it works!

And yeah, I hear you about the lack of content! Current word count is ~60k (including code), but that doesn't count for much in interactive fiction! I have a LOT more ideas, I'm just sadly not a very quick writer.

And the plan is absolutely for lingering effects to impact scenes farther on. I've already implemented a bit of this, but it's fairly shallow so far. Stay tuned!

(1 edit)

Hello and thanks for the comment!!! You aren't missing anything, there is currently no save function. I'll probably add one later when I have more content.

There's also way to see exactly how much HP an enemy has left, though for all the encounters, there are different descriptions/dialog when the enemy falls below specific health thresholds. Have you been finding that the encounters are too difficult/tedious?
I'll look into what's up with the name bug you mentioned! Thanks for pointing it out.

And you can call me Ich! :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I'll have to do some thinking about how to address this, but it would probably entail me just making some tweaks to the writing to scale back the MC's personality. Introducing personality variables that affect the MC's response to every encounter would be neat, but probably far more cumbersome than I'm willing to get.

My initial intention for the MC was to have them be close to a blank slate (as a self-insert char), with whatever of a personality they have being pretty vanilla. How close I came to that goal is uh... dubious!

If you find other examples where the MC's behavior feels offputting, feel free to let me know! I can't guarantee I'll make any specific changes, but I'll absolutely take a look and see how I might make some improvements!

Thanks so much! Figured out what the issue was and have fixed it! Will be pushing an update shortly :)

Nah, there are no personality variables or anything like that. Are you referring to things like what the MC thinks/says?

It's your game that you developed for free and generously put out for the world, so what you do with it is entirely up to you. That said, I'm really glad you decided to put this back up :)

You made a REALLY cool game and even if you don't want to continue in this direction for future projects, I hope you're really proud of what you accomplished. Honestly this is one of (if not the) best games of its kind imo, and for it to be the work of a solo dev is just insane. The way kink content is woven into the gameplay is SUPER well-done (not to mention the gameplay being deep and interesting on its own), and I really hope other NSFW devs take notes and inspiration from this. Thanks for all your hard work on this great game, and best of luck with your future projects!

Really really love this! The found footage style and general gameplay/ambiance reminds me a LOT of Slender.

In fact, it could be kinda neat to introduce some more Slender-like mechanics and an objective beyond just avoiding Fen. Maybe the player could try to collect pages/car parts/other scattered items, but with each item collected, Fen grows faster and more aggressive? Just a thought :)

Also, would it be possible to make the hypnosis stronger? I find the hypno mechanic REALLY hot, but it doesn't feel like it's strong enough to actually make escaping Fen that much harder. An option to make the hypnosis faster and more effective (slowing player speed and more strongly locking the camera, and maybe even causing the player to move towards Fen when hypno has been active long enough) could be very fun.

This is super impressive work, and I'm excited to see what comes next :)

Also I am in love with that new Mezz outfit <3

Very exciting!!!

Thanks for the update! It's super cool to get a glimpse into the process, really really enjoyed reading this :)

Also IN AWE of how much bigger this game is gonna be, as well as how diligently you're approaching such an ambitious project (I could learn something here...). Glad to hear production is proceeding well, and of course SUPER excited to see the final project.

I'm rootin for you, Shifty! (or is Bitsy better? Or should I just not?)

p.s. I have NOT forgotten about our deal, just been suffering writer's block and general life busy-ness of late :c


At some point, I hope so! But don't hold your breath.

Personal circumstances have kinda put all my writing projects on the backburner for the time being. Once I'm able to get back into the swing of things (probably a few weeks from now), my newer, unreleased game will get priority.

I don't want to make any promises, but I have lots more ideas for this story that I hope to put to words at some point.



I probably should have included a "restart" button along with the save window, but there should still be a few simple ways to do go back to the beginning

Opening the game in a new browser tab/window should bring you back to the beginning (with any previous save data still hopefully intact in the save slots).

Clearing browser cookies should get rid of your save data if you just want to start fresh.

And the kinda brute-force option is just to get to a "Game Over", which prompts you to return to the title menu. Easiest way to do this is likely trying to cross the Brinebog without a guide.

Hope this helps!

Yeah that's fair lol. I mostly went into it on the premise of "horny dungeon exploration" and just kinda went from there. I have plans to introduce more of a story and various objectives, but writing is hard!

And yep! There's a sidebar to track stats and inventory. Fighting is (at least currently) one of the core parts of the game.

I'm on Discord!



Or speedrun tech?

worm simulator 2021

oh god.... he's succumbing to the foxpox....

The writing, the art, the humor, the gameplay, the music... literally everything about this game is just done so beautifully and with so much heart.

Thank you for making this game. Also, oh geez oh god we're actually fucked and it's all our own faults shit shit shit nonono

No problem, and thanks for your interest! :)

no one knows :o

I've kinda put this project on hold for the time being, and am working on another game (which is actually decently close to release, so keep an eye out).

Definitely intend to continue work on this in the future, as I have a lot of ideas still, but I do this for fun and don't want to just force myself to write if I'm not feeling up to it. So sadly I can't give you any real estimate on when the new update will come.