Thanks for the report! Restarting should work now without messing up the variables.
I also hopefully fixed the 0 will thing.
And I actually planned on including both those things you suggested, then ran out of time! The plan for will loss specifically was that as your will dropped below some threshold, the dealer would start "recommending" some very bad ideas (i.e. rolling your D12 when your first roll is already close to the line, rolling your D2 when you've already rolled a 1, etc.). The lower your will, the more likely you are to want to do what the dealer says.
The idea was that losing both will and intelligence would incur gameplay detriments, so you kinda get trapped in a losing spiral as your losses accrue (unless you get lucky). I also wanted to make other changes to the dialogue due to having low will/int, but that also was scrapped in the interest of getting this submitted by the jam deadline.
I still plan to implement these features at some point, I just need a solid chunk of time to sit down and code it. I'm open to other suggestions as well!