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A member registered Feb 14, 2023

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(1 edit)

I do not have any other plug ins in my game but maybe I have edited a system setting, or it may be the device i tested it on, as when testing it on a different device I did not find this error. I'm sorry to have given you the runaround, I think it may have just been a hardware issue on the end of the computer i played it on honestly. I think for now, don't worry about it, I will let you know if I run into it in the future again. but I think it might have just been a one time occurrence as I haven't gotten it to happen again myself after restarting my computer.

of course none of this is a complaint to your work, if it is truly unsolvable I can just continue with the current solution of saving to the last available slot.

some more pertinent information, when closing the executable, the stacked quests do go away, so I don’t think it’s unsolvable as it isn’t technically “saved” information. I think it may be that an unsaved games data is essentially saved in an invisible slot and making a new game “loads” into that slot without clearing the data from plug ins maybe? That’s my current hypothesis.

yes, to give the specifics, if you die while having No saves at all in the game the quest log from the previous game is still there when you start a new game. Through testing even if you just backed out to the main menu with no saves you could stack the opening quest over and over again. So it seems to be some issue with the quest being given without their technically being a saved file. Though I am unsure as I haven’t looked at the code myself. Sorry for the late replay.

Hello. I am unsure if this is a bug you can fix, or if I did something wrong, but let me describe it. In my game you are given an opening monologue and a quest at the start. After playtesting, I discovered that if you die without a save file forcing you to the main menu, and create a new game, the quest log from the previous session is still there. As a temporary fix, I have the game write over save file 19 when first creating a new game as of now. But I would like to know if you can somehow fix this. I was also using version 1.3.2 so if this was fixed in 1.4 I would like to ask if I can import the new update without needing to change any of my old code? Thank you for making this plug in! I will be sure to credit you in my game!