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A member registered Aug 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Ah that was a bug that confused me a lot, the fireballs explode off screen but emit particles on the screens edge. Didn't get around to fixing it but I imagine its something simple and silly.

I understand ya' entirely! I cut 19 whole spells from mine and a whole AI system. Goodluck on the post-jam updates. 

Looks great, sounds great. The little pre-roll story felt very fun and I enjoyed reading it.

Definitely died by shooting quite a few times, it felt like you're better off trying to combo chain jumps even at heavy weights in lieu of shooting which makes shoot's place a little weird to me personally.

Great work guys.

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Neat! The ambient music is very nice and the art is fantastic. I love the style choices you guys made and the little effect when completing the first level is cool.

If I may offer a suggestion - the camera being positioned such that you can't see the danger in some cases feels like it lead to a lot of 'cheap' deaths. At the start I couldn't see the spikes and couldn't see the platform I was jumping to which feels a little bad to fall into either a pit or where you're supposed to be going.

I'm not certain if it's intentional but pressing a left/right (a/d) direction and then W + Space at the same time shoots you up into the air which was a fun unexplained mechanic to play with.

Excellent polish. Sounds are great and concept is very cool. I'm not one for rhythm games so found the 4 axis controls being vertical on screen and corresponding to  horizontal inputs hard to rewire but it's probably not a design issue.

The light hitting you adding resources is a cool idea and makes the gameplay a little less "just spam every button" which is a good design choice.

Cute little game where you feel horrible when Felis cops it. The controls felt like they needed a little ... something? I found it difficult to control, perhaps a little coyote time if its not there I couldn't tell. Definitely died a lot on the last level trying to jump past the creatures and hitting my head on the roof so perhaps the control is fine and the levels need to have less roofs? I'm not certain.
Great work though looks very cute.

Thanks for the feedback! The fireball and agility buff are kind of intended to be the 'bread and butter' spells by nature of being red/red, green/green. There is a little circle of fire spell in there but I realized it's implementation is a little weak and the damage values are rather under tuned. I'm glad you had a little bit of fun with it.

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Very cute. I love the music and the title splash art, the little fairy character is very wholesome also.

Love the extra effort in the juice for shooting and moving. the little screenshakes add a lot