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A member registered 43 days ago · View creator page →

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I always have enjoyed the kind of "last stand" types of games, so this was fun to play.  The only thing that I would like to see is a crosshair of some kind.  Aiming the gun felt a bit difficult but it was still manageable.  Great level design and graphics.

The game was very enjoyable to play.  I enjoyed the animations of all the types of attacks, as each one was different and unique to one another.  Nothing game breaking was found.  Great game.

I enjoyed the game.  The only thing that felt a little off to me was shooting, as it was the ctrl key.  Maybe that's just me not being the best at PC games.  Overall, though, it was a very well made and fun game.

I like the idea of the game.  No glitches or anything game breaking found.  Simple and yet very enjoyable gameplay.  

One of the best games I have played so far from any classmate.  Graphics, gameplay and sound design are all great.  No glitches/bugs found either.