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A member registered Nov 14, 2016 · View creator page →

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I love puzzle games and this one is really good. Simple rule and good progression. I can only suggest to highlight the active box and make more levels.

Congratulation for the graphics and animation. The game itself deserve a non jam version with more contents. 

Very nice and relaxing game

Simple but nice game. I love some of details you pushed, like the option to draw spots in the dog and the defeat pose for the dogs.

Would be nice to add a mode with 2 buttons and maybe some obstacle too.

Really a nice game, exploiting the versatility of the video game medium.

Really a nice game, exploiting the versatility of the video game medium.

I can't suggest enough to everyone try this all in one game development platform. 

Yup, definitely I aimed too much to the mobile experience. Good suggestion.

Done, thanks to point it out

Good One!

Italian will be really appreciated too :)

The cutest Pokitto game is now even web playable! Don't miss it! 

I have a weakness spot for dad jokes :D

Maybe a little too easy to complete.

Lot's of different Halloween's games!

Hi Trevor! Nice to have your feedback, I really appreciate. 


Espresso Shoot!

Blast zombie hands and take them coffee! Without coffee nobody can stand against a horde of zombie for all the night! Low coffe level means Game Over!

Mix different gameplay:

Reload your weaponVarious special modesBeware low on coffee

HomineLudens & Vampirics

Great! This library is fresh air in game dev and get better at every release! 

Have a look to this great intro tutorials by Trevor

Hi, I'd like some feedback for my entry.

it's a puzzle game with an unusual system.

Thanks! Glad you play and enjoy it!

Nice game. Camera effects look really good, puzzles are easy but not boring. Too short maybe, it just start the appetite. Good entry.

Thanks! Happy to have some feedback from you!

Good idea, it's a shame you can't spend more time on. It has lot of potential.

What a nice gem! Really fun.

Thanks! Plan to polish more, add sound and track and more tricks. My first time ever with puzzle game, and never play them. I'm too impatient for the genre. So I hope to have calibrated the difficulties. 

Thanks Macario. It was a speed run in just one week,  stealing time here and there. I'll fix the typo after the jam . Your feedback is really appreciated.

Great cut scenes! Feels so epic!

Well done! Really like your graphics style. Happy you submit at the end. Good Luck.

Great puzzle game, I've made a color mixing game too for the FC_JAM. It seems natural to use color with union theme.

Great gameplay,  simple directed and perfectly fitted with the them. Just found annoying the mouse shift at beginning of the level, (it happens if you move the mouse during countdown) it's somehow disorienting.

Adding some function to mouse click (momentary shrink maybe) could improve the fun even more.

Well done. I mean, I'm not a fan of the genere but really appreciate the short tutorial and immediate gameplay. I can't resist to spy at the code to get all the recipes :)

Great job guys. Your're a great team, hope to see more and more from you. Graphics and music pop up of the screen! All well done.

Nice, well done! 

That GitBook looks very good. Well done.

Hey I got credits for MOON porting even without writing a line!

That's great! I like live on the fat of the land. Some of that demos I already forgot about. Thanks!

Kaboom!! Now I'm expecting TicOs in a feew months :)

Awesome you should add in the wiki.