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A member registered Jan 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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TBH I'm a little upset.  With that cliffhanger you decide hey I'm going to take a few months for QoL crap and not give any content. So now we have to wait, what , another 4 months or so for a release?  I have to wait 6 months to find out if that actually happened  It's not that I have anything against QoL updates is just pick a better time to do it. If I wait 6 months for a game over screen I am going to be one angry dude. Just sayin...


Removed spoilers.

About that 2GB limit there may be a work around. I found This Reddit Post while trying to find out why there is a limit for apk files.

I play on PC so I haven't had to test it myself. I hope this helps.

I agree with you 100%. I think this is a fantastic idea and can't wait to see it implemented.

I like the story and the characters, but I'm getting tired of having to search for new content. I mean based one the story these events are supposed to be happening within a few weeks or maybe even months of each other. I'm beyond day 700 so your timeline references make absolutely no sense at this point. Not knowing where to be on what day an at what time to be there to trigger an even is just a massive pain in the @$$.  

As of this update I have now gone through 30 in game days and still did not trigger any of the new events or found any of the new images. I still have previous events from earlier releases I haven't found for multiple characters. I would like to have events set to a day or time of day. Setting it for a certain day at a certain time just makes everything seem so random and tedious when trying to find what's new. Just something I would like you to consider since I'm losing interest because I'm having to waste so much time searching for the new content.

It's great your making a game but I have no idea what it's about unless I play it. I would suggest some kind of a synopsis or some type of description of what your game is about. As it is now we have nothing to draw our interest to your game. 

I'm glad you mentioned your first release is short and your proposed development schedule. At least now I know what to expect going in.

I will give your game a try and amend this comment or maybe make another depending on what I think is best.

Just wondering if this will ever go free. $20 is a fair price, but I am on a fixed budget and can't do that. I wish I could as all your hard work definitely deserves it. I, unfortunately, am just unable to buy it.

I get your doing the price drop thing, but $50 is just too much for this kind of game. Regardless of how good the Visual Novel is I would never pay more than $30. That may just be my feelings on the matter but I can get much better games than any VN for $50. 

That said you do have a really good game and I have enjoyed it thus far.

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I took your suggestion and tried win-rar but it still didn't work.

Not really sure what to make of it. I have the latest versions of 7-Zip and WinRAR and neither seems to be able to extract that Ren'Py Archive. I also have the latest version of Python so it's not an issue there either. Just to check I also made sure to have the latest version of Ren'Py as well so I'm pretty sure it's not an error reading the file. If you have any other suggestions I would appreciate it and will give them a try.


Just for the heck of it I tried using the itch app and it worked with no problems. I'm even more confused now but at least it's working so I'm going to try your game now.

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I noticed you mentioned the volume of the initial music for your game. Here is a little piece of code you can use to set the starting volume for your game. 

0 is no sound and 1 is max volume so if you copy and past this into your game it will set the default volume for music and sound effects in your game at 50%. At least this way people wont go deaf when they launch your game the first time.

init 990 python:

    config.default_music_volume = 0.5

    config.default_sfx_volume = 0.5

I thought your game looked interesting so I downloaded it. When I went to extract it this happened.

I use 7-zip for all other renpy games so I'm not sure what went wrong here. I tried extracting it a couple times just in case it was a one-off error, but I can't extract it.

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Another way to do it is you keep most of the renders as the girls look now and make the new form a combat form, kind of like what happens to the MC, but they are in control of themselves. This way the rendering load wouldn't change much. Then you can just use the combat form in places like the dojo during practice or in scripted story events. I think in this way you get to do both forms without overloading yourself with rendering everything 3 times and we still get to see the new form.

Also doing it this way the current intimate scenes will still make sense having the original form for the girls. You can always add new intimate scenes for the girls in the new forms when you have time.

This is great news! I have enjoyed the game so far and have been eagerly waiting for the next update. Glad is it finally here

Glad to hear it. I have been waiting for this.

if you read it tells you how to make your own android ports for your game. Hope this helps.

I got up today and started my computer and tried the game again and it worked the first time. I'm thinking it was a one-off or some kind of hang up of a variable on my end. And shutting down and restarting my computer seems to have "unstuck" that variable. At any rate, thanks for the quick reply. I am really enjoying the game so far.

I have a quest to summon Cali to find out about grips. I go out in the morning every day but I never get the option to ring the bell. I have 9 lavender so I don't know what is going on.

Well done. I am really enjoying your game. That little racoon girl is my favorite. Such a little trouble maker, but cute. Keep up the good work. I will eagerly await the next update.

I usually manually install my games. I decided to try the app to simplify things. After installing and changing the install directory to point to where my games are installed I scanned the folder so it could find my games. The itch app said the folder was empty. I have 50+ games in that folder so I have no idea why. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I was wondering if there was any way to put my feed from into my discord as kind of a news bot?


About the Season 1 H-Scenes being a big download, I think making that and optional separate download would be a better idea. Any more compression may horribly distort the images.


I like that the writing style is going to stay the same. I like the way this has been mostly story driven up till this point. My only concern is if I'm on a specific girls route, I don't want to be "trapped" in it. I would say that maybe break it down into day-long events so at the end of the "day" if we want to go another path for a while we can.


Hell yes to revealing Lirums' face. Good call there.


Cerros looks kind of bitchy. Maybe take some of the anger out of her eyes and add a little mischief. A smart ass goblin girl could be fun.  Other than that keep the short stacks coming.


As a personal request/suggestion, could we maybe get one goblin girl with really large ears? I don't want Dumbo sized ears but maybe double normal size? Just thought it would be a way to add a shy goblin in the mix. Could be fun convincing her that hear ears are adorable and not weird or cursed.

Keep up the good work. I am impatiently awaiting the next release.

Well if you want to keep updating just fix one core issue per update/release. That way you don't lose a lot of time trying to fix everything at once.

As far as it taking a long time between updates it really depends on what you were doing in that time. A lot of the background(what we don't actually see) work takes the longest time. If you want to do monthly updates that's fine with me. Better than say trying for 2 weeks and working so hard you burn out. Just don't become like Runey with a bunch of sudo-updates for patrons. That guy takes 3-5 months to put out the same content he used to do in a month. So yeah as long as you don't do that, take all the time you need. If you need a week off just say so. I'm really enjoying your game. Just keep doing what your doing.

Sorry for the rant :D

Still no difference. The updater sill won't upload or download any data. And that gpsgs file is supposed to be in the CoR folder. I looked for it in the folder myself and it's not there.  When I ran the installer this time windows tried to stop it from running. Not sure what that's about.

I did play the new content so downloading the full game still works fine. Just for some reason I'm having problems with the patcher and apparently now windows isn't liking your installer. No viruses or anything, windows just didn't like it.  Maybe for now you could just make the update content a separate download anyone like me having problems can still get the new update without having to re-download the whole thing.

I tried using the installer & updater. The installer seemed to work without a problem. I tried running the patch.exe manually and it said I was missing a file called gpcsgs. So I tried using the launcher and tried patching it through there and it pushed my processor to 81% but no files were uploaded or downloaded. It would be nice if you could get the patcher working. I guess for now I will continue downloading each update as it comes out. I really don't want to miss anything.

AVG Flagged your 16.1pc release with a Trojan. I had no problems with earlier releases and I am enjoying your game. Can you please check your files and re-upload.

I'm terrible at remembering names so if you used this than you can disregard it. My suggestion is Marsha.

Awesome!! I have been eagerly waiting for this.

Nice. The only thing I would suggest is making her eyes slightly larger. maybe a 5%-10% increase in size.  Other than that very nice work. I am looking forward to a playable release.

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Thanks for pointing that out. I somehow had forgotten that. Makes a lot more sense now. 

That raises a question: Does that mean the Princess is "stuck" in there now? Or can she only return to her own world from the pocket demense?

There was one thing story-wise that bothered me. With Nook still missing, shouldn't we have gone to see the princess and make sure she is doing okay? I mean its been what 3-4 days since Nook disappeared and we haven't gone to see the princess once. Just seems odd to me.

I'm thinking Alorth forgot about this game. I see his name on a lot of stuff, not just his own projects, so I'm thinking this may have fallen by the wayside for now. Maybe he will remember it sometime later. I mean it always takes him a long time to update anything but a year is twice as long as anything else I can think of. I just check back on his stuff randomly now. I no longer expect any updates on anything and consider it lucky if it happens.

I personally wish he would spend less time helping others with their projects and spend more time on his own.

You said you want to patcher to be the future of distribution, then, you may want to check it over to make sure it works. I tried using it and I got an error saying the file gpcsgs is missing or unreadable. I used the installer so I don't know why the file is missing. I did look in the game folder and the file is indeed not there.

I would recommend adding a screen to let people know that the  version is ending and give them the chance to save before returning them to the title screen.

Thanks for the info. Good to know he's still working on it.

Is this game why your updates for Dark Magic have come to a practical stand still? 

I really like Dark Magic and hope you don't forget about it. 

Since Dark Magic was so good I'm going to give this a try also.

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If you want to make your own android ports use the following link to the renpy documentation and scroll down to where is says  "Building Android Applications". It will tell you how to do it and what you need. Hope this helps.

yeah I know. I got past it/her. I got to the end of the current version and I like it so far. I think your doing a great job with the characters and story pacing. Some story points seem a little rushed but not enough to effect the overall enjoyment of the game. Great work so far. I am looking forward to your next release. Also if you can keep up with this quality of work with timely updates you will have a new supporter when I am financially able.

I think this game has potential but Valentina is just so damn annoying to me I have to keep stopping the game. I don't want to any spoilers but I got as far as her party and I'm just like WTF?! She has a singular focus on what she wants and fuck everyone else. If that's the way you intended her to be, great job, you nailed it.

At any rate I will continue and give a better or more informed comment later. 

Just so you know I already hate Valentina and I'm like what 10 minutes into the story, lol. Since the game looks so promising I will push through this difficult period and hope that your writing continues at this level. I like the story so far just not a certain character.

Then might I suggest you make the next time have a cost.

 Charging for the ending is absolute bullshit in my opinion. I feel it is just wrong. Honestly I get you need compensation but forcing people to pay like this at the end is just wrong it so many ways. I suddenly feels like a scam to me. I realize this may not be the case but that is how it feels when you only force payment at the ending. 

No matter how good of a creator you are this move of pay for the ending just turned me off. I loved the game but I will NOT be forced to pay for the end when the rest is free. I am insulted you would try something like this and I will avoid anything with your name on it after this.

Gratz on the new PC! Take your time and get it set up right and everything is as updated as can be. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.