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A member registered 40 days ago · View creator page →

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Wild concept, fun mechanics, hard but expectedly so. Well done!

I like the idea! Collision was a little weird; growing your ball can get you stuck in a wall. Fun puzzles and a nice animation.

I'm more into saving the earth but this is pretty cool. Love the art style!

Pretty fun! A little bit of RNGesus carried me along

If you strike too hard the balls will always fly out. Really good life lesson in there somewhere.

Very satisfying. I never knew how to build a house before today.

Very difficult until I figured out the freeze mechanic. Pretty cool!

doo do do doo do do doo, do doo do do doo, do doo doo doo doo doo.

Snakebird with magic mushrooms? Sound like a good time

Love the minimal art style and the challenge of knowing when to have big body or big hands. Multiplayer would be a game changer for this concept. Well done!


Not bad! Worth a download

Fun game! Trying to maximize happiness or please investors, the age old question.

I feel very sad for this gecko. Well made game, especially for two days!