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Hambug Games

A member registered Dec 31, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!

Hey  there gamers! 

We're so excited to announce that all three chapters of Lost Awakening are now available to play for free in your browser!

Lost Awakening takes place in three distinct chapters, which you can play on at the following links:

Chapter 1:
hapter 2:
Chapter 3:

Lost Awakening is a strange and comedic point-and-click puzzle adventure, with witty dialogue and an intriguing story. Discover the grand mystery behind the strange island that you wake up on. The island's great secret isn't a smoke monster or an ancient fraternal rivalry, but it may just blow your socks off.

Along the way of our character's journey, you'll hear his whole catalog of obnoxiously pun-tastic whit, which is certainly not juxtaposed to the atmosphere of the island. Lost Awakening uses its unique music and art style to create an atmosphere not only of mystery and intrigue, but also of hilarity and absurdity. 

The game's puzzles, just like the atmosphere, exude uniqueness. While they will, no doubt, at times leave the player thinking long and hard, the puzzles are always fair and sensible. They are easy enough for any player to be capable of solving them with enough time, yet difficult enough for every player to feel satisfied at every point of progression.

Thank you all so much for your support on this development journey! We hope you enjoy this new release.

Happy gaming!

~Hambug Games

Vowel of Silence is a party game where an inquisitive robot, Bill, asks you questions that you must respond to; but you have to respond without saying the forbidden vowel that changes every round. Pick up a copy for free today!


You find yourself sitting in a chair in a warehouse in who-knows-where. You're greeted by the pleasant and richly-tembred voice of a handsome robot named Bill, who just wants to ask you a few questions.

The only thing is: Bill is, well, a bit unstable. You can't blame him really; it's the fault of the people who programmed him. Unfortunately, due to some bad code, Bill will get very upset if you give him any answers containing certain letters. And you do NOT want to upset Bill.

Each round, good ol' inquisitive Bill will ask you a series of questions, and you'll have to humor him by responding with adequate answers in a timely fashion. When you're done with your response, say Bill's name so he remembers that you're talking to him. Just, whatever you do, DON'T say that vowel that will upset Bill. Got it?

Hey there, everyone!

It's been a long time coming, but I've very excited to announce that chapter 1 of the web remake of Fuchsia is now available! The next two chapters will be released, well, eventually... but for now, enjoy yourself with the first chapter! Thank you so much to everyone who plays it! Happy gaming!

~Hambug Games

Play Fuchsia, Chapter 1 for free here

Very cool. That's great of you all to do!

The question is pretty self-explanatory, but I was curious: are games that make money more likely to be featured? For example, let's say one person gives 30% of profits to, and another person gives 10% profits. Will look at that and sooner choose to feature the person that makes them more money? Or are they unbiased in this?

Love this!!!

After over three years of learning game development, we just released our first game!

Fuchsia is a strange and comedic point-and-click puzzle adventure, with witty dialogue and an intriguing story. Discover the grand mystery behind the strange island that you wake up on. The island's great secret isn't a smoke monster or an ancient fraternal rivalry, but it may just blow your socks off.

Hey there! Thank you so much for your kind words! The advice you gave is very helpful. Part 2 is being released in just a couple hours, and some of the things you've mentioned have been fixed. We'll be sure to apply even more of these things in Part 3! Thanks for playing.

Thank you so much for your kind words! ID Part 2 will be released in just a few days, so stay tuned :D

(1 edit)

Hmm, well I'll look into it. Thanks for the feedback!

Hi, targames. Sorry for your errors. Are you using Mac or Linux? Because this game is made for Windows, and we haven'e encountered any glitches from people using PCs.

Thanks so much, we really appreciate that!

Thanks so much for your kind words!

Ah, our apologies! We're working on optimizing item use and making it simpler for ID part 2 :)