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A member registered Mar 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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I set the environment using the asset you find here then I went with coding 

How to make a First Person Control Game Object ?

Make an empty gameObject and name it FPH and add  the Character Controller Component to it , then drag the camera underneath the game object to be a child gameObject of the FPH , set the position and rotation of the camera to be exactly  the  vector3 you want to have ( the player perspective ) then go to Camera Component and set the field of view parameter to 50 (you go between 40 and 80 )

Till here we have a player with camera , now we have to control the movement and the mouse view since it's a PC game , so I add a script that I called  Mover, here I want to explain a good practice in coding which is namespace , well in a big project where you have to write so many scripts that keep calling each other ,to avoid dependencies we use namespace read more here , and we re going with this practice along the game coding , so the player has a mover , a fighter and health separate scripts (I may add more) , my player is now moving properly it  needs some mouse look configuration that I have to fix   (is moving without balance ) but I can say that it's good enough 

this is only a screenshot of the script , I will share the GitHub repo later

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this article is about what you should take care about before developing any game types . 

ok so these are something you have to prepare first :

  1. Your GDD
  2. Your teamwork
  3. finance issues

a GDD (Game Design Document )is a piece of paper that organizes every single detail in your project , so that your development process would be much clean and predictable , am not gonna explain everything in the GDD but here is the main steps a developer must mention in this document :

  • target platform/s 
  • tech stack
  • audience age and location
  • Game Concept
  • main characters 
  • Gameplay and mechanics 
  • Diagram everything 
  • Used asset links
  • UI & sound 
  • monetization 

The one who is making you a GDD must be a developer or at least someone who has a little bit of experience in Game Dev in general so they can provide you exactly what your game must include .

Back To our FPH tutorial :

So I prepared a GDD my own to my game (Let me know if you want me to share it with you guys ) and I started making some handmade sketches  I've chosen the following asset to start with:

I may add new GameObjects with time these are just something to start with at the moment  

So the Game story is based in a graveyard where the player has to find the key to open the door to release himself , and in order to get the key , the player has to fight all the enemies, pass the portal ,find the key then open the door to get out.

It's a multiplayer game where friends hanging out together in a graveyard is something fun and scary this takes me to explain an other point in the game dev process which is what is the feeling that you as a developer want the player to experience throughout your game. To me , I want them to experience fear with their friends (funny but scary).


That's all about today , feel free to discuss my ideas and any suggestions are so welcome and stay tuned for the next episodes 

If it's your first time trying to develop a First Person Horror game for PC and you got stuck , let me tell you that I'm here in the good timing to save your undone work from being  a piece garbage :P 

I will guide you through the basic pillars into the detailed script lines 

You can take this tutorial which am making for free as an official prototyping that you can use for a personal purposes like freelancing or any other paid partnership

 Progress would be shared here or into a YouTube channel randomly  depends on my free time

 It's gonna  be a multiplayer game and am gonna use Unity NetCode Server for the first time 

Other details will be shared in the next posts, till then you can put all your questions/propositions down below

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