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Leticia Moeller

A member registered Mar 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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great game!

amazing, such a cute dungeon set, i love it

achei mto fofa a arte e a dualidade bem legal, o esquema de cores ficou bem bacana, eu ainda estou me batendo pra passar a primeira fase kkkkkkkk talvez começar com algo mais simples, mas definitivamente seria um jogo que eu compraria pra jogar :) parabens!

gostei! Senti falta de um tutorial de botões, mas mesmo assim me prendeu a jogar, parabéns!

o jogo está muito lindinho e condizente com o tema de Game Boy! Adorei o modo que fizeram o tutorial da arvore no inicio do jogo. Não sei se foi proposital mas os passos da preguiça se encaixam com a música e eu achei isso muito legal.
Faz sentido a preguiça ser bem lenta, até para gerar a dualidade, porém conforme o gameplay vai indo fica um pouco monótono, mas no geral gostei bastante, parabéns!


Awesome, thank you for playing!

(1 edit)

Thank you!

Thank you very much! as the visual artist, very happy to read about the title screen ^^
We did increase the level dificulty a lot when we where creating it maybe because we didn't have time to make easier levels between those,  we're definetly going to improve this for our future projects.
Thank you for your comment!

Very good idea, the particles are cool to watch, and the light around the fireball its a cool feature. the collision with the kitchem things are too big, meaning sometimes even if you do hit the right item, you wont burn it, and you never know what will you colide with(the fridge handles for example). its a small space with few items so there is not big replayability, but its a game for a jam, so not a problem. the cooldown its very big for such a small space when you want to test several times, but maybe thats what you wanted to do, to exclude those ones who want to find by luck and not searching, it woulb be easily fixed with a bigger space if you set less slowdown, the art is pretty and the music is very low compared with the SFX.

Congrat's man! i enjoyed playing.

It's a great ideia. But the gameplay feels kinda slow, and the player is too big for the size of the plataforms. for a jam game i cant complain about the art, it's self explanatory with the colors(although doenst make much sense machines, robots and ants), and the backgorund music its nice. Players can understand the game goal at the beggining of their first deaths with that huge termometer, it could have more feedback though, liked the ideia of warning you when the termometer is too high or too low.  but the way you play can be boring once you dont need to kill anybody and just ajust the temperature of your machine. Congrat's though! you submitted ^^

I gotta say i didn't quite understood the goal of the game, it's fun for an first game though, and you did AI. Congrat's.