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A member registered Jun 08, 2021

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Gorgeous work! You deserve to make the top 20!

Gorgeous work! You deserve to make the top 20!

I was on the web build.

Nice concept and presentation!

Nice idea! Just one hitch: the first puzzle I got, with the 4 in the third row down, seemed to be unbeatable.

I solved the jigsaw puzzle in Level 2, but the game didn't advance.

I ran into what looks like a bug at the start of the second level. When I touched the exit for the first level, the screen faded to black, but it when the second level started, the screen only partly faded back in, leaving me mostly in the dark. Fun concept, though!

I like that end-of-level sound effect!

Cute! It's fun to turn on the shield and run straight through a pack of enemies.

Cute concept! I like the presentation of the rolling dice. It feels like the hitboxes are a bit wide, making the game a little more difficult than it maybe should be. Still had a good time, though.

Not bad! If I could make one suggestion, it seems like the dynamite should be able to blow up the monster generators.

Love it! And now I'm hungry!

Very interesting idea! I liked the mechanics.