That's a lot of stuff! Thanks for sharing. :)
Going Bald
Recent community posts
Hiya. I can't get the game to run in WinViCE. It starts loading and but then stops and just shows READY and the flashing cursor. I've tried D64 and PRG. I've also tried autostarting the image, attaching it manually, smart attaching and I've tried Boray's PRGStarter. I have set the host machine to PAL and NTSC and I've even tried different RAM configs just in case. I'm at a loss here. Any ideas?
You've done a fantastic job bring AB3D to the Doom engine. Great attention to detail and cool improvements over the original. You can tell you love the game.
At first, I was a little disappointed that the CD32 soundtrack had been removed but your original tunes are fantastic. They have a really cool Euro-Amiga vibe to them. Loving your work, dude! :)