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It can be easy to lean heavily on one specific mood or tone for a prompt like this, and I think it was a good move to go for a more subtle emotion. It helps it stand out and sounds thoughtful because of it.

Pretty strong track, with a nice balance of mysterious and fun

It does well to capture that dream-like, imaginative vibe :)

Pretty good, Hotrock Hollow was my favorite :)

Sounds fun and unique, with some catchy melodies :)

Makes me think of landing on a new planet and exploring. Would've loved to hear more tracks, nice work!

These are bops! I can picture taking a created fish and having them do tricks around the aquarium like a skate game. 

Each song really captures the tone of what it represents and overall, it does a good job of telling a story musically. I will say that I think it would help to bump up the general volume a bit, especially for "Cavern."

Wow, sounds like something is waiting in the depths

Seems like a lot of subtle things went in to make this sound "full," well done!

Very unsettling, perfect fit for the theme.

Reminds me of Earthbound if it were more ambient, which really suits the game idea. Nicely done!

Thanks! Honestly, online sequencer felt pretty intuitive and easy to use, but of course my frame of comparison is garage band on a small touch screen, so I'll take a look at Reaper

I appreciate it, thanks for listening!

Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep it in mind for my approach next time

Wow, this sounds like professional work with a lot of heart put into it. Great stuff!

Very cohesive and well mixed. Hippocampus Crossing was my favorite (also great name)

Very fitting for an aquatic/ bubbly world. I especially enjoyed the first track :)