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A member registered Mar 04, 2014 · View creator page →

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Will it ever be possible to have pixelorama work within godot as an addon? It would be really great to edit sprites inside godot itself, and the existing addons I know off are pretty limited. Perhaps there could be a "pixelorama lite" as a godot addon, with limited functionality, for making simple edits inside the godot editor, but that could also launch the full standalone pixelorama for more advanced edits.

From the very moment someone decided to tackle this issue, every other competitor of the jam lost absolutely any chance of getting the first place =P

I'm stuck at the safe. I think the clue for the code are the gold bars piles but I've tried several combinations and none worked. Did I miss something?

A second decimal place at last!

Since this thread is about missing glyphs, may  I ask how can one contribute by creating missing glyphs? By creating and sending you a ttf containing only the missing glyphs? The GNU FreeFont project uses scripts to convert images containing the font characters to a ttf file, which makes sense for non bitmap fonts emulating pixels since it is easier to draw a character in a drawing program than to draw a pixelized character using lines in a traditional font authoring program.

I have already used online pixelized font creation sites such as bitfontmaker2

which lets you import and export font data as a json file and also let you import ttfs, but supports only latin characters. I also have used Fontstruct

which seems to let you drawn any character for any unicode block and also let you easily "fork" someone elses font and copy paste characters from one font to another, but does not let you import ttfs and there is no keyboard shortcut for copy pasting wich makes copying characters a tedious process

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Another person posted a question asking for a text with the supported characters and was told to see the refered unicode blocks topic. Since it can be usefull to have such a text file for testing and comparing, I would just like to point out that one can easily procedurally generate a text file containing all unicode codepoints (or at least the all BMP codepoints). The following python 3 code writes all codepoints from 32 to 1114112 into a utf8 encoded text file. Just replace r'C:\a.txt' with a location where the user running the script write permissions.

with open(r'C:\a.txt', 'wb') as f:
  for i in range(32, 0x110000, 1): # 0x110000 (1114112) is the maximum range of the chr function. more than that it throws "ValueError chr() arg not in range(0x110000)"
    char = chr(i) # convert integer unicode codepoint to unicode character string
      pass # ignore UnicodeEncodeError 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\ud800' in position 0: surrogates not allowed
    if i % 128 == 0:
      f.write(b'\n') # write a line break every 128 characters to allow text editors to parse the file more easily
    if i % 1024 == 0:
      f.write(b'\n') # write a line break every 1024 characters to allow humans to visually parse the text more easily

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The following chinese characters seems to be missing: 
 阴 奶 吞 柜 躺 逛 您 

I tested with the latest version of the font.

(1 edit)

Since I was really needing the command line export feature I forked your project and implemented the bare minimum for my personal needs. You can take a look here:

I only made a windows build since it is the main OS I'm currently using for development.

I can make you a pull request if you want, but I did'nt had the time to make sure my changes fit your projects coding style and quality standards.

It would be awesome to be able to automate laigter usage through the command line. For example, one could use something like this to automate the maps generation for some file without ever opening the graphical interface:

laigter    --preset=/home/user/somePresetFile    --input=/home/user/input.png    --invert-y    --invert-x    --normal=/home/user/input.normal.png    --occlusion=/home/user/input.occlusion.png    --specular=/home/user/input.specular.png    --parallax=/home/user/input.parallax.png