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A member registered Jun 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you!

Thank you… I worked very hard on the graphics… I am grateful for your understanding of its magnificence

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you! I haven’t made many tutorials before, but I am pretty happy with it, especially considering this is a game jam game.

Thank you very much!

Thank you! I am glad you liked it.

Thank you very much!

The game looks excellent, and the physics-based movement is a fun and unique addition that is very well implemented, considering the limited amount of time allotted for this project.

Thank you.

Great game! Seeing your progress in the discord server throughout the week was fun, and I am happy to say the result was well worth the time and effort. The controls felt floaty at times, and the difficulty seems to ramp rather quickly, but generally a fun submission.

Thank you, I hope you liked it.

Thank you very much!

Thank you very much. And I hope you had fun.

A straightforward and fun game. The amount of polish and juice you could implement is fantastic for a short time.

A charming and short game, perfect for a game jam submission. I like the art style. A great effort and I commend you for making a story-based game for a game jam.

Thank you for the feedback; the font was a hard decision for me as I could not find a good middle ground between the low-res game and the high-res font that looked good, so I decided to keep the low-res as the font was legible well enough for a game jam game.

I love the puzzles, and the Game Boy-centric game design and implementation are a great addition.

It’s unfortunate that you could not do more, but it’s understandable with the limited about of time available.

The graphics are amazing, and the game was incredibly well made for a short time. The controls were a bit hard to get used to, but I could get the hang of it with some time.

Fun concept, but the graphics were harsh on the eyes, and the music was a bit loud. But it was great fun, and I hope you continue working on the project.

Fun concept and the existing mechanics are very well implemented. The play character moves fast for my liking. I often felt as if I was unable to aim when moving at the same time. The graphics were lacking, and the contrast between the player, the enemy, and the background made it hard to distinguish between the player and the enemy when playing.

An interesting concept; unfortunately, I am not gaining any points when playing. As such, I can shoot all souls and not lose without consequence.

Very simple, but at the same time, it is incredibly well-made and fun to play. I hope you continue working on this project in the future.

Great game and an enjoyable and exciting set of game mechanics. The puzzles were of moderate difficulty, and I had a great deal of fun playing it.

The intro is great fun with excellent voice acting. The rest of the game was very simplistic, but I still had difficulty finding the correct words. This project was a great effort, and I really liked it even when it felt impossible to complete.

It’s unfortunate that you could not finish it in time, but I hope you continue working on this project and finish it someday—best of luck.

Great effort. Continue with what you are doing.

The game looks great and is very fun to play, even when I got stuck on one puzzle. Great job.