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Gimmick Studios

A member registered Jun 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hello. Im a programmer and artist with an idea/asthetic in mind for the jam, looking for people interested in it.

In short: Retro FPS  where youre an ancient demon that was long ago defeated and torn apart in pieces, each sealed separately and kept dormant by monks/priests over millenia.

Game starts with someone messing up part of the daily ritual protocol and your sealed spirit "wakes up" in your shrine, possesses a guard and escapes looking for the rest of you to become your complete self from long ago and terrorize the world.
Each part your recover grants you a new power you used to have, all weird (like the starting one being just a spirit to possess weak minions and gain a physical body).
The sealed pieces are somewhat unusual like your disimbodied spirit hovering and passing through objects, heart/blood to perform spells, tail to jump etc.  Whatever supernatural weirdness to match the vibe and justify cool gameplay instead of just hands/legs etc

Gameplay is mostly just exploration (with interesting 3d movement/verticality granted by some parts), simple combat against simple AI minions and some (as much as the time allows) boss fights thrown here and there to spice up the pace before you leave.
The main pillar here is that you feel like a villain. youre not the underdog, youre a monster killing honorable warriors tasked with stopping you from coming out and straight up genociding the area.

Aesthetics/cultural inspirations are from japanese shinto and anime like Jujutsu Kaisen, Inu Yasha, curse horror movies like Noroi, Incantantion etc, while art direction would be low res, low poly "N64/PS1" graphics as people say because its easier to make/alter existing assets to match and helps the vibe.

Id love to have another artist to help with assets and/or anyone to help design cool stuff and have ideas for the themes and gameplay.


I'm an Unity developer looking for an artist or writer partner for the jam. Im also a 2D & 3D artist and game designer, open to ideas for the game.


I'm an Unity developer looking for an artist or writer partner for the jam. Im also a 2D & 3D artist and game designer, open to ideas for the game.


looking forward to it


is that still coming?

Tenta a versão windows.

Thanks a lot.

sure I can.

Im an indie dev, I can do code and art, 2D or 3D. I usually go alone but Im out of ideas so, if you want to design, pitch me something and we can see about doing it together.

some of my stuff:

Discord: Gabs#4276

São de um pack de personagens.

Im working on it during my free time, since my job is remote I didnt stop even in isolation.
I got the bots moving, with objectives and the basic round win-lose states done, just need to code their combat AI and do the level design for a whole map.

5DGame community · Created a new topic 5DG #3 - CRAFT
(1 edit)

This week, the theme is a TD game in TP based on tile placement. I think I got an idea for this one thats not exactly based on tiles, but general object placement used to navigate and defend on an enclosed space. Kinda like Mighty Quest for The Epic loot but in third person.

Lets see how it goes.

5DGame community · Created a new topic 5DG #2 - Hellscape
(2 edits)

This week I took a long time to find something fun to work with.

I wanted to do something related to dungeon crawlers and hack'n'slash but I always want to make my projects casual and endless, easy to pickup and put down so an actual RPG with generated dungeons seemed too much work to do in 5 days and would be harder to engage with.

I ended up going with an arena-style game where you just fight enemies endlessly, and now Im thinking of how to add longevity to it.

I have the arena configuration changing over time to keep the player on edge when navigating, and the combat is really punitive as of now, to push the player towards using the deeper mechanics instead of just standing around clicking. I intend to add an equipment system and a simple goal, like collecting treasures that spawn, to keep the player moving and taking risks.

I imagine that if anything fails, it'll be the equipment system, since I still need to implement and polish a bunch of different items and think of interesting design differences to give them apart from just smaller/bigger values. 

We'll see.


I'll usually start new topics each Monday morning.

(3 edits)

For my first week I'm gonna do a simple combat experience with the player embodying a random soldier in a large open battle.
The player can choose between unit types (heavy, light, ranged) with different playstyles, and the first side to break through the enemy's gates win.

The main experience I want to achieve with it is letting the player feel as part of a bigger scene, with AI agents running around and fighting independent of you while turret towers and catapults create chaos on the crowd.

Let's hope it turns out fun!

that's a bug we  had a lot of fun when we discovered. you can even hit the ricocheted magic missile with the sword to make it wobble away.

still so much to do in two days hahah

If you need some illustrations, I could help.

I just wanted to say that your game's name translated in portuguese reads like "pew pew naughv mew" and it sounds way cooler than in english.

Great work btw.

they detail it better on twitter.

Thanks for playing!
I actually went and adjusted the stuff you said in the video about the locked cursor and sensitivity, if you wanna give it a retry.

It's kinda intentional, since I opted not to clamp the vertical axis because of how much vertical movement and above/below aiming happens, but it proved to be an issue with this mouse sensitivity.

I'll add an option to change it.

It needs several fixes but I'll add those to the list haha.
