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Voice acting was something I genuinely considered doing for this jam, I actually had conversation with a friend while making it and we both tried reading some lines but neither of us are good enough voice actors so it just sounded cringey, so I'm completely with you on the annoyance of reading the text. The quick solution I put in was slowing down the rate of hazard spawns during conversations but that didn't get rid of the already spawned objects. An okay fix would've been creating a buffer beforehand to slow down the objects but I hadn't thought of that at the time. Lesson for next time I guess. Thanks for the review.

Very cute artstyle. I love seeing what solo developers can do for these sort of jams.

Also everyone seems to be complaining about the controls but I think tank controls work fine for this kind of game, the issue is just the execution:
1. The ship just moves too fast for the size of the levels (although if the handling was better this might be better for cool drifts, but smooth turns can be hard to portray in this art style so i get it)
2: You can't fully rotate while still (I'd turn around 45 degrees before stopping), which makes it hard to preemptively setup for that fast movement
3: The angle of the ship doesn't seem to portray the angle of movement. I would be pointing down but moving down/left, or right and up/right. servers went down today and they messed with my game files so I had to reupload the game. Took the opportunity to add something small to the end screen. It was my plan to do another slideshow cutscene at the end but I was too burned out on the last day. Glad you liked it though.

(1 edit)

This was actually intended from the start. One of the factors for prices is a "Desire" variable, but I made these numbers randomized at the start for testing and then never changed them. By the end I figured I might as well keep it random to give some run variance, although if I were to work on this game more I'd want to get the variance from somewhere else, maybe through seasonal shop options or making events more dynamic. Another feature I was considering adding was some kind of indicator, whether it was icons on the map or dialogue, to indicate desired items but this got cut for time. Glad you liked it though.

Edit: Also i should say if I were to work on this more I'd like to wait till the jam voting is over, outside of major bugs I'd want my game to be judged based on what was achieved in the time limit

Thanks for playing it.
Ya the cards aren't that well fleshed out, was considering randomizing cards sold and giving them different rarities but I felt like it took away from the game since there was already enough rng with the economy.

Ya this is a common issue, if I do another jam I should listen to play testers more. I had one guy testing it and the ESC feature was the first thing he said, but I put it on the back burner to fix because I didn't want to make a pause menu, but in hindsight making an exit button in the corner would've been extremely easy. Guess I tunnel visioned too hard on the first solution :/

Ya, adding [ESC] as am exit was something I added as a quick fix at the start and got used to it through so many play tests that I didn't realize it was a problem, but in hindsight that is the key you'd use to deselect. Probably should've just added an exit button in the corner, would've taken a similar amount of time to add. 

Otherwise thanks for enjoying it. I'm glad people seem to like the tutorial since it's what I put most time into.

The .exe version works but it seems like doesn't like the browser version since I can't replicate the issue outside of itch. For now I've just disabled the browser version. I could try to fix it but I've been working on this for 3 days and I need a break.