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A member registered Dec 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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Sorry about time zones and slow internet problems

(1 edit)

Haven't got any feedback from the jam hosts

Thank you so much for playing the game I think I will update the game sooner if I could, also thanks for the feedback :D.

My first ever game jam kinda sad knowing that only a handful of people played my game. If you guys are interested you can play it here wish you guys could be me feed back.

The Lineman is a simple retro-style 8-bit top-down puzzle game inspired by Minesweeper but ten times more intense. Navigate your way through a pseudo-generated minefield where any random spot could pose potential danger. Utilize your surroundings, defused mines, and recently revealed mines to reach communication towers that need fixing.Equipped with a mine detection device that you can move with your mouse, listen to its clicking noise and frequency for any changes in tones to identify mines near the player. Complete the objective of fixing all 5 communication towers on the map to finish the game.

Play Lineman Now

Entry for the (New Year, New Skills Game Jam)

Updates will be frequently added post game event.

When will the games going to be evaluated? is there also a YouTube video show casing the top picks or all the games?

Thank you so much for the feedback

Looking for feedback for my air defense simulation game

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Here is my game I've been working on and recently updated