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Gabriel Radwan

A member registered Jan 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Game Off 2023 community · Created a new topic Need music?

Hey, I want to get started in composing music for games and I would like to start small, so a Jam would be the perfect opportunity :) Let me know what you would plan to make! I could create a nice orchestral piece for the game! Here is a Spotify link to a small collection of songs I made so far:

Hey everyone! I would love to write an OST for an RPG, JRPG or Adventure game. Something that could benefit from an orchestral score! I'm happy about your replies! :)

Hi! I would love to write music for an (J)RPG or adventure game! Something that could really profit from an orchestral OST. I'm happy about replies! :)

Hey guys, I uploaded my first OST on :)

it's only 3 tracks but I put a lot of love into them, so check them out and you can also use them for fre if you like!

Hey everyone :) I would like to join a project here since it seems like a good opportunity for me to compose some music. I LOVE music from JRPGs so making my own soundtrack for a tiny one would be a good practice and much fun! Right now I have only access to free orchestra software but that should still fit an RPG-Maker game.

pls listen to my (few) tracks here.

Hello everyone :)

quite recently I set my goal of becoming a video game composer. I've been making music for most of my life and loved (videogame) even before that. Now after practicing a little with my DAWs and getting to know the workflow a bit I want to create music for my first games. Since I'm just starting out I've only been working with free VST plugins so far, escpecially orchestral tools.  So If you are looking for a rather symphonic score, I would be happy to provide that. Of course, since I'm quite the beginner I wouldn't expect any payment, I just want the practice and the inspiration. 

I don't have that much to show for now, but here is some stuff I've been working on over the last months: