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A member registered Mar 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot! Much appreciated :) !

Thanks much! Glad you enjoyed it ! :)

Cool concept, almost like portal! A bit more variety in the level design could go a long way too! The foggy aesthetic and the objects moving around by themselves definitely gave it a creepy vibe!

Very fun and very fast !! Loved the look, especially the HUD!

A fun  little dungeon crawler, though I think the playerr's range should be extended a little and maybe the zombies' range should be nerfed a little lol the music was very fitting and the animation on the zombies was amazing too! Almost looked rotoscoped or something

This is what I imagine a 3D River City Ransom would be like! It felt fun, like playing through a little kung fu movie or something! An energetic little tune would also go a long way!

Very spooky game! The menus look great and the time mechanic was very interesting, though I wish the sky could've changed too to show the time of day. It was very fun running around and the skull for the drowning ending jump scared me lol

Very cute little platforming adventure! I especially loved the animations and how cool it felt to stomp on a bunch of rats without touching the ground during the boss battle lol

LOVE THIS! The subtle jump mechanics made the platforming so much more fun since I could carefully calculate my landings and feel like a platforming pro! Genuinely heartbroken that I missed a few scarabs lol

Cute character design, but the levels felt a bit barren, but that could be fixed with some music and maybe a couple other characters or decorations like foliage and the sort. 

The movement and shooting are very well done and finding and saving the survivors is pretty satisfying! It does get kinda dark (lighting-wise) which makes telling the zombies apart from the backjground a little difficult.

Very cute and simple but the driving physics are a little wonky. I kept spinning out on the turns but maybe I just need to get better at drifting lol

Love the character designs and the humor ! I also love the little touch of having Umi's head face the interactables! I think the camera needs a little bit of work but this was such a nice little experience!

This game is awesome !! This is just the perfect brand of 90s silliness ! I can't believe I lost all my friends at the end though ! 

I love the aesthetic and the models and animation are great too! The UI is very impressive as well! :)

tomato hat

I took a look and it seems like the way the GB Studio menu works, if you press the B button, it’ll select the second option. Please make sure you’re pressing the A button on the menu to make a selection for now until I get the time to fix this issue. Thanks again!

Thanks for the heads up! I’ll check it out as soon as I can!