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A member registered May 25, 2016 · View creator page →

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The best rat based warfare game featuring the members of health I've played

Year of the eggdog

Fun! Quite simple but has a nice vibe, especially like the game over screen with all the aliens coming down👽Nice work!

Really clever idea, can see how this could be expanded with vertical compression, things that are unaffected, multiple compressions etc. One thing I think would be handy is to reset the previous compression back to it's original position in a single click or key as dragging back and forwards worked but felt like something with no additional benefit.

Again, super cool idea, excited to see where this goes.

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I was on windows 11, I tried using Brave and Edge and had similar issues on both. I just loaded the game on Android and it showed up fine!

When I was first sketching it out it was a dodging game, but it didn't fit the theme as well so I flipped it!

Hey! I used your sounds effects in a small game jam game I made. The variety in there was great, especially for a free pack. Thank you!

Hey! I used your music in a small game jam game I made. I thought all the tracks were great! Thanks for making such a fantastic asset

Hey! I used your font in a small game jam game I made. Thanks for making such a great asset 😀

Turns out you did! I was surprised too!

Really creepy, enjoyed the tone and theme

I really enjoyed the swinging gun mechanic

Really like the twist on the limitation. So OP it ends the game.

Very cute

Scrolling the map looking for ores during the nuke reload was really fun at the default camera angle - once I scrolled out it was a bit easier but I still liked there were a mix of actions (drop bomb, defend and gather resources) and felt they worked together well

The head switching mechanic is very cool! I did end up in an endless falling loop but I enjoyed the game

The enemies absolutely rekt me. They are truly overpowered

Like a mix of getting over it with bennet foddy and surgeon simulator! I had a good time

I feel like it all fit together really well thematically - the lock picking, the music, the dialog  - really fun

The animations were really great - colour palette was nice too

Like the style

The death sprites for the baddies were really great

This is fantastic - I got 88. You really have to think multiple moves ahead to be able to progress. Using chess pieces, and especially their predictability was a great twist. I also felt super powerful when I could sling the queen across the board. Great work.

Thought the graphics and design were really cute, hit an issue where I couldn't feed the yeti even though it was on low health and I wasn't sure how to proceed though

I found the dialog really funny 😂

Seeing your upcoming turn actions really helped you think ahead

151 seconds 😁 Really enjoyed this, I think it's maybe David Spade's best role

I enjoyed the telling of the story at the beginning and thought the graphics were cute - my girlfriend said the wolf was too cute to kill 😂

Visuals on this are really great! The core concept of only moving while still is really interesting too

Fun idea, could be expanded with different powers and ways for people to see! The guy popping his head over the cubicle and the people moonwalking backwards made me laugh!

Love the concept here and having plot armour gave me a good chuckle - really fun idea

I felt very overpowered, especially when holding down all the the firing buttons - the vfx and sfx were really nice

This was great! I think there's a ton of room to do other cool stuff here, the theme was really well executed and the spelling mistakes in the cheats were very cute. Also, I really liked the way the buttons disappeared during the movement tutorial at the start! Great work.

This was fun! I really liked the flamingo falling over animation - lots of room to expand all the mechanics! One thing I did have is the text didn't load on chrome or edge for me even though I can see it in the screenshots!

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Thanks so much! I was thinking of a lift/elevator at first but I didn't want to draw the inside of the building!

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Thank you! I actually had an issue with the parallax background initially as I pull the camera out. The way Godot's parallax scroller works is only 2 iterations on a loop and you could see both due to the camera being pulled back 😱 I ended up putting in the big cloud to cover up the a switch between two different sets of parallax layers and thought it was a really neat effect in the end!

Ha thanks, I hadn't had a chance to mess with Godots particle system but I was pretty happy with the result!

Thank you! 

Thank you and oops, missed that, so thanks for flagging!

Thank you. I agree with you and it's something I'll pay attention to if I extend!