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A member registered Apr 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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big pp energy

Quite good just tuning the ocean look and now I am going to work on main mechanics xd

not really xd

(1 edit)

If you reply here you are guaranteed to play the game of everyone who also replied here this way we can get more feedback on our games

I'll do it xd

Thanks man and that kettle bug not sure what is the cause xd

On the shelf xd

The music is so calm xd

Really but I tested it and there wasn't this kind of problem I am sorry

(2 edits)

Really I have to fix that and no there isn't 

There wasn't time for me to  implement one but after voting period I think I will do update or something like that

Really decent game nice visuals like the 2d in 3d

Nice click game soundy were pretty good not sure if it fits the theme though

For a first game jam Game it's not bad very nice game

I dont know i already had it in my music for games folder and it just perfectly fits the game

Also I added the screen shots

If you really want somthing like that i think if you write lofi japanese beats something like this should come out

Bruhhhh xdd you are amazing do you know that

I should really write them xd 

I'ill do it right a way

(1 edit)

Sounds are nice pixel art cute 

Really interesting game

I would love some feedback on my game

Here :

Damm you did that in just python wow

Funny  game ;)

I thought I should xd

Your game isn't that bad either  it has good idea

Sorry I was writing on phone and it autocorrected me on that misunderstood

Thanks (・o・)


Thanks 😊


(1 edit)

Sorry but i didn't made it so the crowbar opens storage it just opens when you get to the grinder when I think about it I should have done that it's good idea 

Think i will add that

thanks man👍

Quite good game the third level is hard af

You got cool videos I hope you more subs

😆 Sorry

I didn't make it in time so the other option isn't finished

  cool video


Thank you very cool 😎

Really thanks it has some bugs I know and yes deer is getting faster every fifth second. And there is option to cook food if you get food from fridge and then warm it up on stove.

Thanks again XD

It looks interesting I am waiting for a full game

Nice game very cool