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Bruhhhh xdd you are amazing do you know that

(2 edits)

I'm glad you like it. Add these to your game's screenshots, I'm sure they'll help someone. Also how can I get a soundtrack, I want to listen to it outside a  game. Is the soundtrack yours?

I dont know i already had it in my music for games folder and it just perfectly fits the game

Also I added the screen shots

If you really want somthing like that i think if you write lofi japanese beats something like this should come out

(1 edit)

Oh yeah that looks much better now! Thank you. There seems to be a bug with a kettle, once you boil one and in 10 or so seconds return there and fill with water, the water is already boiled, so you just need one kettle now. Also another thing is there an ending? I'm at day 5.

(2 edits) (+1)

Really I have to fix that and no there isn't 

There wasn't time for me to  implement one but after voting period I think I will do update or something like that