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A member registered Jul 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice simple concept :) I enjoyed the puzzle aspect. I disliked the beep everytime I moved the 'player character'.
Some BGM would nicely lift the vibes :)

This is great! I'm super impressed that its your first game! The music and sfx are brilliant too. Fantastic :) If you do manage to add more I think it could only be a good thing. You could very well carry this on after the jam has ended and develop it into a full game. It has potential :)

p.s. I noticed the bgm in the level is coming from a single point in the space rather than being global.

(1 edit)

Very simple. With and end state it could be functional. Potentially unfinished at time of commenting so no judgement here!

Absolutely love how simple and satisfying this is. The music is awesome too, and the sfx varied! Hats off to the team!

That is absolutely fair! I had much less time than I'd have liked, and a workload on top of that which took priority, so I had to find other ways of immersing the listener in the setting I was writing for which is why I added some sfx :) Thanks for listening!

I really really like the vibe. Hits that "sunny resort area" just right :)

I love the horn that comes in for the second half of the track! They feel so natural and really enhance that summer vacation vibe :)

You've done well with that MIDI guitar. My advice for next time you use it would be to play with the velocities a bit more so it sounds less copy/paste, adds dynamic to the strumming, and helps it 'live' in the mix. I'd love to have heard some guitar plucking too to add variation.

You've done a wonderful job of matching the setting, and the mix is good

Thanks :) I'm hearing Super Mario World more and more with each playback haha

Nice job! I wanna start by saying that for somebody who is only a month and a half this is amazing! You've got an ear for musical ideas and are clearly figuring out how to get sounds out of your brain and into the DAW. I can't wait to see where you are at in a year dude!

On to honest feedback:

Got the right vibes for the genre :) Fits the 1pm slot quite well for me. I love the upright bass (a staple in such soundtracks for me) and the synth lead was a fantastic choice for this!

The guitar sounds a little fried/over processed like all the dynamics have been squashed out of it. The charm of guitar strings is that each one has a slightly different level every strum. It could be the KClip squashing it a little too much. I'm curious what guitar VST you used for it? (couldn't see it listed in your frankly phenomenal document!)

All in all, feels like an ACNH track, and your in depth research and documentation has blown me away!

Oooo that moment at 0.31 is *chefs kiss* perfect (there were many more moments after I wrote this). The bossa nova was the perfect direction to go in for that AC/Nintendo vibe. I don't think you overcomposed this at all; its the little details like the mallet trills occasionally in the back, the way the percussion rolls, the way the track is very asymmetrical. The entire track is a lovely stroll down a sunny boulevard with new things to see, hear and experience with every step.

There is just one thing that caught my attention: at 0.55 the hand drum and flute jump out suddenly in the mix. Was this intentional? Like part of the stroll where you turn a corner and bump into somebody and both apologise and smiles and laughter before going about the day?

All in all, amazing! Definitely inspired me to work harder next time!

I love the space you've left in the arrangement, a key part of any Animal Crossing bgm :) I love how 'idle' this feels. I could potter about all day to this, pulling weeds and picking shells up on the beach. Solid work well done :)

This is lovely and charming. Its got a lot of emotion; I think not referencing the original has paid off for you here :) You've done an amazing job at capturing a hazy summer's day spent with friends. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I can hear your anime/eastern rpg roots and its wonderful. Bravo!

I LOVE the chord choices, especially between 0.56 and 1.17! The vocals are a quirky idea haha I can hear this track being perfect without the vocals, as they are a little up front in the mix and they sit 'on top' quite a bit: a more subtle reverb and a lower level might set the vocals into the track better. Still love this track though and your chord and instrumentation choice is fantastic!

Thank you :) BGM is a strength of mine for sure!

Thanks a lot! Honestly the eastern harmony moments come from my over consumption of eastern video games. With more days I think I could have done better regarding the mastering.

Thank you :)

Thanks for the useful feedback!

Haha I love that this is what came to mind for you! I hear how the melody does have the same flow!

Hi, Noticed that there's a Discord image at the bottom of the Jam page, but no actual link. IS there a Discord server for this Jam?