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Nice job! I wanna start by saying that for somebody who is only a month and a half this is amazing! You've got an ear for musical ideas and are clearly figuring out how to get sounds out of your brain and into the DAW. I can't wait to see where you are at in a year dude!

On to honest feedback:

Got the right vibes for the genre :) Fits the 1pm slot quite well for me. I love the upright bass (a staple in such soundtracks for me) and the synth lead was a fantastic choice for this!

The guitar sounds a little fried/over processed like all the dynamics have been squashed out of it. The charm of guitar strings is that each one has a slightly different level every strum. It could be the KClip squashing it a little too much. I'm curious what guitar VST you used for it? (couldn't see it listed in your frankly phenomenal document!)

All in all, feels like an ACNH track, and your in depth research and documentation has blown me away!


Thank you so much for the great review and the kind words!

The guitar was a problem for the whole week, I ended up with this as a compromise but of course it lost dynamics, it’s just that it was overwhelmingly bright and couldn’t find a way to make it sound rounder properly. It’s a shitty basic VST from NI, but it had one feature that was nice, as it played chords with one or 2 keys combined. I don’t know how to write for guitar with midi yet so that was helpful. Had done some guitar playing by ear 15 years ago, I kind wished I could have access to one now with the right recording setup, I feel I would have been more free with my writing that way :)

But yeah couldn’t tone down that big brightness but it was an awesome learning experience, I’m more gearing towards orchestral so this was a nice curveball and a good opportunity to learn the basics of mixing. I was somewhat successful with that and credibility so I’m happy 😊 

Thanks again for the kind words!