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A member registered Jun 10, 2015 · View creator page →

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how do I change the game resolution

how do I read the comments

any way to like, not get a migraine when I look at your itch page?

Absolutely! Thank you for doing that.

You might want to rearrange the downloads so that the latest version comes first, so that’s what gets downloaded by the app.

I like how you can die on the win screen

This is way too relatable; I also have a chronic pain disorder which doctors don’t seem to care to actually diagnose or treat. I hope you can get lasting help for your issues.

Yeah, unfortunately the itchio ratings system penalizes the submissions with the low 50% of votes, for reasons which have never been particularly well-explained. Oh well, placing at the top is still a huge honor given the size of the jam and the number of amazing games with great music.

You should! It’s a lot of fun!

What did you use to build the game? For the Mac build it just generated a raw binary and some .so files in a directory, rather than bundling it into an .app directory with the appropriate plist files and resources and such.

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The Mac version’s packaging is impressively broken. Whatever you used to build it isn’t doing it right.

For those trying to run it, you can at least get it working by going to the directory in Terminal, and running

xattr -d *
./Chilling\ at\ the\ Park

Anyway this was a lot of fun, and fuck the police.

This was a lot of fun, although the splorping jelly sounds hit me in a way like how I suspect most people are hit by the word “moist.” But the gameplay was good and it didn’t get too challenging even with how quickly the pieces drop, and the music and characters are super cute.

I have a VR setup and I was really looking forward to trying out a jam game that uses it!

So, that said, I’m really amazed that this didn’t make me instantly nauseous, what with the lack of comfort tunnel and the constant camera motion. I kept on getting stuck on the very first ladder (except one time when I managed to get past it and then immediately lost with the first human I encountered shortly after) and couldn’t really figure out how to do anything, or what I was supposed to do at all. And then the nausea set in, so I had to stop.

I think having some sort of tutorial, and easier ladder mechanics (or, better yet, no ladders) would be extremely helpful.

I feel like “the surprise colon nearly murdered me” could be taken multiple ways given the subject matter of this game.

I was pretty much at capacity this time around but I’d have loved to have tried to make something work anyway. :) Maybe next time!

Thanks! Making music is a lot of fun and I highly recommend getting into it if you’re so inclined.

Yeah I’m fully expecting most categories to just get 1* and that’s fine. Thanks for listening and commenting!

Hopefully I’ll have a lot more music by the end of the month! This is of course just my safety submission.

As always I am available for making music and sound for your weird ideas! A lot of the games with my music in them have been done for Strawberry Jam, and many of them rated very highly in the sound/music category. And here’s a bunch of jam game music collections. I have a bunch more music on my profile. Last year I did a hypnokink podcast.

The best way to get in touch with me is historically via the jam Discord.

Festivities installed successfully

Ah, I figured out a way to do this: Set the bundle price discount to 0%, and then manually set the overall discount for the bundle price based on the discount you want.

For example, on this sale I set the discount to 0%, and then set the bundle purchase price to 75% of the total bundle price.

I have this same question. I’d like to be able to offer my discography for sale at 25% off, I don’t want the individual albums to be 25% off as well.

There’s finally a volume control :)

Yeah, there’s an open github issue for that.


This looks and sounds so good! Is there any possibility of getting a soundtrack along with the Switch version?

Yes, it was fun balancing all that. Thanks for playing! Someday I need to come back to this game and add the catnip power up and the laser pointer distraction.

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It was surprising to see this game in a friend’s “games I like” collection, and then to see another friend posting a comment here, when neither friend knows each other as far as I know. It’s like it really is a small world.

Also this was lovely and poignant and reminded me of my childhood of practically living in the library.

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I’m glad somebody noticed the Katamari reference

It doesn’t look like anything was uploaded though?

Hm, that seems less likely. I have an RTX2080Ti, pretty standard card, running on Windows 11.

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Oh god this is so wholesome and lovely and I love everything about it and I want to give everyone a hug

I also want to see all the endings but I don’t want to make the ghost sad or uncomfortable :( :( :(

I was half-tempted to set up my dance pad to play this. I definitely wasn’t expecting a rhythm game.

It’s like horny macro-vore Wario Ware. Really cute art, nice use of Paper Mario-style QTEs. The dragon is adorable, and I love the art style in general (both the detailed lineless ultraflat stuff and the Atari-esque pixel sprites). Cute story too. I’ll have to replay this a few times to see what the different choices do.

FYI, you should tag your builds with the platform they’re for so they can launch from the itch app. Makes rating way easier.

The art’s cute, story isn’t my thing but it seems well-written for what it is.

It was a pleasure to make the music for this game, even without knowing what sort of game it was. The gameplay is fun, reminds me a lot of that old UNIX “Robots” game where you just have to avoid robots for as long as possible (only with magic spells to defeat them instead of inducing them to crash into each other). Having a stamina meter for the dash would definitely be a good addition. A wider variety in upgrades too. As it is, it seems way too easy to just load up on Rune Protect slots and then tank your way through the rest.

It was a pleasure to make the music for this game, even without knowing what sort of game it was. The gameplay is fun, reminds me a lot of that old UNIX “Robots” game where you just have to avoid robots for as long as possible (only with magic spells to defeat them instead of inducing them to crash into each other). Having a stamina meter for the dash would definitely be a good addition. A wider variety in upgrades too. As it is, it seems way too easy to just load up on Rune Protect slots and then tank your way through the rest.

For some reason when I try to start this up it only appears as a tiny window that then disappears. I hear audio in the background but I can’t seem to get the game window to come to the front. I suspect it has something to do with my setup, as I use a 4K TV as a monitor and that tends to cause all sorts of weird scaling-related issues in a lot of game engines.

I love the design of the characters and the environment. Definitely some movement jank but it’ll be nice to see where this game goes if you develop it further.

I had the same problem. I suspect the game’s UI was barfing on my 4K TV.

also yeah the first episode’s chime is a bit harsh. I should go back and replace it with the chime I settled on for the later episodes