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Flinker Flitzer

A member registered Jun 16, 2015 · View creator page →

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Hey everyone!

I’ve spent the past three months or so working on a pixel art image editor called Stipple Effect. I’m a hobbyist game developer, and I’ve used Paint.NET for my pixel art since I was in middle school. However, I have a couple of quite ambitious games that I want to make as a solo indie dev in the next few years once I can dedicate real time to it, and I’m starting to plan ahead and think about my tech stack now before I commit to anything.

I realized that while Paint.NET is a great free resource, it’s pretty much useless for animation, and horribly inefficient for large-scale projects with lots of pixel art sprites. Instead of just buying Aseprite or something, I decided to make my own image editor. I chose to do this because I eventually want to expand it to support complex real-time preview scripting for something like what is described in this video by aarthificial, and other features particular to my needs.

Stipple Effect overview

  • Supports layers, frames, and color palettes
  • Has all the tools you expect from from a modern pixel art image editor
  • Designed to get out of the artist’s way
  • Supports workflows by having shortcuts baked in for almost every operation
  • You can export a project as a PNG sprite sheet, as separate PNGs for each animation frame, as a GIF, or as an MP4 video
  • Lightweight and designed specifically for pixel art, so it won’t bog you down with complicated features that are only useful for high-resolution raster or vector images

Stipple Effect is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux distros. Please check out the project page here if this might be something for you! Any and all feedback is highly appreciated!

Thank you :)

If you are having trouble with something in Stipple Effect, this is the place to find answers!

All feedback is appreciated! Please remember to be nice and considerate.

Hey everyone!

If you have been using Stipple Effect, I want to encourage you to share projects that you have made in the program below!

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If you encounter any bugs while using Stipple Effect, please leave detailed comments - and if applicable, pictures - surrounding the circumstances of the bug below.

Useful background information includes:

  • Operating system
  • Screen resolution
  • Key inputs that led to the bug
  • Operations that led to the bug

Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to check out my post.

I recently updated my first game, TRANSLATION, with a level editor.

The game is a simplistic platformer with physics-based mechanics and a unique movement system that relies on two types of teleportation In its current state, it has 12 tutorial levels and 64 regular levels split across four campaigns.

With the level editor and the campaign creation and import systems, I hope the game can be infinitely extensible through content created by the community.

TRANSLATION is free to play on Windows, macOS, and Linux, as long as you have at least the Java 17 runtime installed on your machine. You can check the game out here!

Thanks again and have fun :)

Hi everyone! I recently added a level editor to my first published game, TRANSLATION.

TRANSLATION is a simplistic platformer with physics-based mechanics and a unique movement system that relies on two types of teleportation. If you are interested, I would love for you to download the game, check it out for yourself, and let me know how many of the 64 levels you are able to beat. I'm also curious to see how you get on with the level editor and to see what sorts of levels you guys produce.

The game is free to play and you can check it out here.

Thank you!

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TRANSLATION is a puzzle platformer. You take control of a superpowered, teleporting red square, and your goal in each level is to stomp on all of the sentries. Sentries of different colours have different powers, ranging from telekinetically pushing the player to altering gravity to flipping the entire stage. You will fall... A LOT!

You can buy the game under early access now, or download and play the tutorial and first 16 levels of the campaign for free. I will be updating the game regularly, including adding tons more levels, a level editor, and campaign sharing, so that the community can expand the experience by hours and hours.

Thanks for your time and attention,

- FF