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A member registered Jul 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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snyggt gjort! har du rateat mitt spel, Ugly Albert

congrats I didn’t think anyone was gonna do it! This is becoming quite expensive 


(1 edit)

I have obviously completed the game but the first 3 people to do so please provide photo evidence in the comments and i will personally provide you with a free copy of my next game which will normally cost about 10 dollars

Extremely hard, i think you need 3 hands to play. much easier to use wasd if we are supposed to jump since it is hard to keep one hand on both the arrows and space, while the other is on the mouse. this makes it nearly unplayable

the skins did not show up on the player when bought but when we went back to check it said it wasnt bought even though it took our money. also it feels weird were you start since the person with the arrow keys sits on the right side but starts on the left side. and sometimes you cant get points while in the air but sometimes both people get points in the air


yeah sorry I’ll try to change when the voting period is over

sorry but the files were corrupted so I tried to change them but I could not because it was a jam submission so they deleted my project, I’m gonna try to get it back up tho

great game still

yep amazing game please never have me play this again i had 4 mental breakdowns in the span of 60 seconds

i mean i hate the stress

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH that was frustrating, but i got 30, nice game but i still hate it

that was awesome man

i could not get past the firsty level because of the purple block thinG  I did not understand but great graphics

great idea and music man,  had a blast playing it

When the voting period is Over

so my files are not gonna work for some people, and i cant change them since the voting period is still open but i will fix it as soon as the voting period is over, but some people can still play it(thanks J-Mo)

i'll try!

This game looks amazing but unfortunately its gone:(

im not saying this was better than yt rewind 2019... but ya know. anyways this was a great game with a missed opportunity of saying: "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH,   it's rewind time" on the rewinding segment

Daammmm dats a lot o' controls

sorry but i dont know how to fix that:(

(1 edit)

Thank you very much handsome young dog

this is a bit too good for a 7 day project and if you look at the project name in the page it says: "2-D Main Project 2019.4f.01" so you worked on it a long time before!(if this is false, sorry,  it is still a great game so you get a follow)

if you want people to play your game, maybe make it a browser game

WOOHOO game of the century

Oh my god is this good! best game ive played this year since subnautica! adorable graphics with music putting beethoven in shame, no, but seriously you HAVE to make more levels of this, it is so fricking relaxing and beautiful. and it is an amazing take on the theme. sir you get a 5-star in every category from me and a follow!

kind of reminds me of a voodoo game ngl, still, great game but i think it would look better if it was in a top down format

this game was incredibly hard on the first level but its a cool new puzzle, so good job

Like mashup games said, i do not feel like saying the controls really works, otherwise, great game!

the visuals were awesome and i loved your idea, but the controls felt really unresponsive, like i tried to use the ancient device and it took 10 seconds for me to travel to the next level, and when i reached the next level i could only jump and attack but not walk so i almost immediately died and came back into the first map explaining controls and story(this might've been intentional) i tried again and immediately died and spawned in the first map again but now the enemies had followed me back there which i dont think was intentional because it did not happen t he first time.  good job anyway because this game has potential and if you fix the bugs you might get on itch.ios top page!