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A member registered Sep 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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WOW! That dedication was the cherry on top. Sweet mercy this was delightful

This was SO good to play. The art style is lovely and the robot's perspective and lines are well thought. He has a good mix of overly practical and showing that he has human-like processing and emotional awareness skills and ability to react to the reality of both

Nicely done!

wow! so there is a GLARING mechanics issue that made it unplayable past maybe 2 rounds: you not being able to swap them like every other type of item matching game allows. I really suggest fixing this asap because otherwise this is just a game that is maybe playable for 3-5 minutes and then eventually you're stuck and that's that

something I just found about a solution for this in the meantime

camera is so bad I couldn't play it. I died once after having my camera locked I wasn't able to eat. Also, never clear what was making me lose health. All I did in the game was walk around and eat food but I was still losing health

lol I did the entire loop of the black cat and got him back to the bathroom and then had no clue what to do and restarted and did no better XD

No worries - I might've miscalculated the speed of most people's movement with the mouse. But just to be sure, it's that all the things in the game happened to fast correct? Not that it failed to load?

glad it worked! I TOTALLY get what you mean about the sound. I figured out real late how timers worked and was only able to use it once but I'll try to keep it in mind now that I now how it works

hey there could you let know exactly what problem you're having? I tried it incognito and it seem to be working as it should

hey I edited it so it should be playable now