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A member registered Mar 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Glad you liked it, thanks!

We recognized the stat issue pretty late into development and didn't have time to fix it unfortunately. However the time manipulation was something I intentionally didn't add. You can give the player speed ups through the shop to make the game go faster, but you risk not being able to keep up in the later levels if you do that, and pausing would remove an integral part of the challenge. I appreciate the feedback, and I'll definitely be checking out your take on the overall concept.

I'm glad you liked it so much! I wanted the intro to be a little more in depth, but due to time it never got fully realized. I am quite proud of this one, thanks!

Dang... On a *totally* unrelated note, do you happen to know where I can return my gamer card?

Fun little game!

Next time I would suggest a game over screen to help indicate that the player failed. Cool concept though!

Wish I had a friend to play with as the CPU seems to have an advantage with reaction times, lol.

Well made game. Impressive parody of Papers Please.

Thanks! If you're talking about the explosion "animation" it's actually just a single frame image, this is my first game properly coding and that was my temporary solution to a worse bug that I never got to replacing with a better fix, lol. If you're talking about the Dice reroll animation that would simply have been a mistake. I'll definitely check it out! I'm interested in your take on the concept.

I found this game to be pretty easy, however, in looking at other comments, it doesn't appear that everyone feels that way (must be something in how different people think.) I enjoyed this game, and I would love to see some other mechanics to maybe add some difficulty in later levels if you continue to develop. Great work!