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A member registered Nov 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Sorry for the late reply, but you can turn off the "on-screen input" option to play with your keyboard and mouse

Yes, I'll make a Pico port for this game :)

Welcome back! Yes, you can now even unlock Backrooms: The Lore skins by finishing Bit Jail :D

I'm glad my game did its job well :D

Monsters can appear behind you as well. Watch the tutorial to learn more. It's on the right side when you're selecting difficulty. You can also read this page:

This game doesn't support chromebooks. Sorry about that :(

Then download the game. What's your device model?

What exactly did you do to replicate this bug? Find steps that make this bug always happen because it's working fine for me and I have no idea how this keeps happening

What do you mean by not seeing anything? Is it a black screen or do you mean the room is empty?

Both the download options and the browser version are available on the main page:

You can either play this game in the browser or download it. Whichever you like :)

Watch the tutorial. It's on the right when you're selecting difficulty. You can also read this page:

No need to sue anyone :))))

(2 edits)

I think the problem is solved now! Download the new update and let me know if it's fixed.

(it also can no longer get out of the window)

You will need to provide the Organization ID now as per OpenAI's new requirement:

Nope, unfortunately this game doesn't support multiple languages.

Thanks for playing my game! You can watch the tutorial when you're selecting the game difficulty to help you finish it :)

I think OpenAI's API have changed since I made this game. I'll see if I can solve the problem. Thanks for letting me know :)

Thank you! Yes, it's good that the Windows version of Unity can export to Linux and MacOS :D

So, it was a one-time thing.

Did it crash on startup or was it at a specific stage? Did you get an error message?

Thanks a ton for recording a video :D

I see the videos are not loading properly on the Bank mission and the cops disappear, but the game works nonetheless :)

It might be better to play on a lower quality setting maybe.

(1 edit)

Yes, the game mechanics are indeed terrible given the fact that I made this game in a week :)))

I'm glad you liked seeing RADAL suffering though, thanks for playing <3

(1 edit)

It's good to know that the video shaders are working :D

Thanks for testing it! I'll change the file description.

There's no native support for this, but you can try playing in the browser version with the "Touch Input" option turned off.

Thanks for the in-depth review :D 

I'm sorry my voice was annoying to you :)

Can you record a video of your playthrough? It doesn't happen for me, so I don't know how to fix it :]

This is a known bug:

And yes, it happens elsewhere as well. I have no idea what causes it though, it would be very nice if you could find out what makes this bug happen.

No, I don't know French :(

Thanks a lot! What issues did you have with collecting Endiums? Did you think the bootup animation made it look like the game was frozen?

Tell me exactly what you do to make this bug happen.

Thank you for the kind words and telling what you think about this game; I'm glad you liked it :D 

I could easily put a window on those dark tunnels you mentioned, but I made them pitch black on purpose as an artistic way of telling that "sometimes you have no idea where you're going, but you still move on." to reflect our protagonist's situation in the abandoned factory: She has no idea where she is and what awaits her, but she keeps on going!

It's a very nice tank game with good-looking props to make it look like they're toy tanks in a kid's room :)

The gameplay is relatively easy when you take cover and keep yourself out of the enemy's line of fire (when all the lines become blue) but it's still fun to time your shots right. 

I also loved the way you make the player physically move to the other side of the "bunker" to be able to advance levels, nice touch :D The sound design is also great and you combined the prompts beautifully in a small game.

Yes, it does! Thank you :D

This is a great rhythm game with a good usage of prompts. It's a bit buggy and sometimes loads multiple levels altogether, especially when you alt-tab out of the game:

(There's also an easy way to cheat, which is just to alt-tab out of the game three times and get the finishing menu with people cheering for you :D)

Yes, thank you :D

You forgot to publish the game. It's inaccessible to anyone but you.

The name is spot on, you run and shoot :))) I'm glad it had three levels just like my submission :D

It's a nice simple shooting game overall considering you didn't wrap up an unfinished project like I did. The box-carrying mechanism is physics-based and it gets stuck behind walls, but it's funny :) 

Unfortunately, the game does not have any sound at all whatsoever. It's actually easy in Unity to just add an AudioSource component on your bullet prefab at least.

There are enemy robots, as per the prompt, that follow you in a line. I could argue with the 50% enemy damage, but you also deal 50% damage to them, so it's kind of balanced because the robots can't shoot as well. However, I would prefer if they did shoot bullets with low damage as well as their usual 50% "melee" damage so that the health bar would make more sense and wouldn't just jump from 100% to 50% and then death xD

The Windows version is missing its data (you only uploaded the .exe file)

It's a fun infinite shooter game :D I love how you mixed the prompts and gave it some sort of a story for our little goldfish :)

I'm not a fan of the swimming mechanics though, it doesn't feel like you're in control of where exactly the fish will be when you press space. I also didn't know that you could move at all! (I read it in the tutorial after my first try) Maybe moving with the right mouse button might've been better since your hand is already on your mouse.

Also, the game just keeps spawning enemies after finishing which could lead to a crash if the player leaves the screen on for a long time :))) Here's my high score, I didn't beat your score of 170,000 though:

Nice little platformer game where you control a little kitty collecting some salmon pieces :D 

It's not very loyal to the theme as the cat isn't cooking anything. You get an eating particle effect with a sound of biting once you "collect" a salmon piece (which is the only sound you will hear in this game) no obvious sign of the cat using the salmons to cook. (You could tell the player to put them in the pan for example)

Here's a screenshot of me finishing the game with a nice view of the cat's huge eyes:

As you can see in the picture below, I got APOCALYPSE, CYBORG and ALONE from the generator which reminded me of my lonely cyborg in an abandoned factory game called Elegant Kimya. Enjoy this short relaxing game as my submission to MixJam 4 :)