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A member registered Nov 17, 2021

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(1 edit)

Are you using an old savegame? I'd guess there probably are no gallery flags to read if it's from before the gallery was implemented.

I'll try to confirm once I get that download through my slow internet connection.

Edit: Confirming that the gallery does work with newly unlocked scenes. A quick replay with autoskip should unlock everything.

A gallery!  That will reduce the save file clutter significantly, thanks.

I don't quite recall the SFX in 6.1 (good sign?), but my general stance on sound effects is that between bad effects and no effects, the latter is preferable. I remember dropping a game because of the dev just poorly recording himself sucking spit through his teeth and mixing that into the only audio channel. That was not only gross, it was insulting to think the players wouldn't know the difference. The game had other flaws, but that was the final straw.

Just make sure the effects are somewhat realistic, not too exaggerated or gross, and timed properly. Less is more, accuracy matters. Keeping music, voices, and SFX in separate audio channels with their own volume sliders will keep you safe no matter what, so I highly recommend it.

Hmmm... If 0.8 is closing two of three (or more) chapters, I guess we will get to see the 0.10 at some point? Hah, I'm looking forward to see the reaction of those who don't know how version numbers work. Gonna be fun. ^^

He might as well put the script in a shredder and glue the strips together randomly. Machine translation is still at least a decade away from producing good, accurate translations, even with AI support.

Imagine sleepily reading this on the morning of April 2nd when you already let your guard down... 

Still didn't fool me for more than a second, but man, that second was bad.

(1 edit)

In my experience, many creators can't tell the difference between criticism and insult. Many also can't tell the difference between being misunderstood and failing to portray their story as they intended.  

I recall just one such case not so long ago, I think it was on a game called "young again", where a commenter pointed out things that were objectively present in the game and told he "misunderstood".

Now, normally, I'd say that the benefit of doubt applies, but deleting the comment tilts the scales in his favor. You don't delete something and slander the person when you can just let the facts disprove it, you delete things when you can't.

Now, speaking objectively, does the MC have to get permission for everything from Melanie, gets ordered around by Melanie, and is humiliated by her? If the answer is yes, then you cannot say that he's misunderstanding.

It's been a while since I played, and I don't even remember which character to put with that name. Which means I'll replay eventually. When i do, and if I find the instances he mentioned objectively present in the game, I'll correct my rating to reflect my disdain for censoring criticism and gaslighting.


Okay, it took me about five minutes to replay the beginning and regain my memory. Now, you're both right and wrong. 

Melanie DOES order him to her room, she IS having trouble respecting his boundaries and pushing him to reveal his business to her. She IS acting in a controlling manner, that's objective fact. What is not true is that she does it all the time, and that she is humiliating him, as far as I recall. Aside from that, she has a very good reason to be that pushy, and she's acting in his interest.

So, he didn't quite misunderstand, he's just more sensitive to certain behavioral patterns than you are. That's what's called a difference in values, leading to a difference in judgment regarding the same objective facts.

As a side note, you'll have to tell me what your beef with Chris Evans is. That scene is so weird and out of place. Why waste narrative space on a negative cameo when it only achieves to make you look petty?

Dev deleted a comment exposing his participation in a bundle that promoted smut in school libraries, rather than clearly distancing himself.

Make of that what you will.

Kinda lost interest after the MC got NTR'd by his dream alter ego and she keeps it a secret from him. It's a bad day when an author puts NTR in the game and gaslights you about it.

Doesn't help that the author doesn't know how to write a sex scene without calling the woman a slut - which is extremely jarring after all that wholesome jazz about bonding souls. 

Just look it up.

In "common parlance", "literally" means both "literally" and "not literally". "Common parlance" has become a joke of a language used by idiots who don't actually speak English. In English, a cat won't ever be a dog no matter how many confused people use the wrong word.

And no, "vagina" specifically refers to the flesh tunnel between vulva and cervix.  A penis is not a scrotum, a vulva is not a vagina. Get some basic sex ed, for fuck's sake.

Yeah, that scene is kind of iffy. I remember it being close to a dealbreaker.

The girls'  complete lack of consideration for the consequences he might face is quite offputting and cost them a lot of sympathy. Whether they intentionally put him at risk or just didn't care to think about how their actions might affect him makes little difference, both are revolting.

Even if you ignore the possibility of being mistaken as sex offender, they forcefully exposed him in public against his will. That's sexual assault, along with a number of other offenses. This is made worse by the fact he would not get away with such behavior. I can't really see a way to justify that even if they were to "fess up" about their involvement.

You can't blame him for evaluating the scene based on the events that objectively happen. If anything, you misjudged the severity of that "joke", and did not manage to strike the tone you were trying to. That scene might be worth reevaluating.

Son, have you done your homework gallery yet?

Heads up: Steam has the same inane policy, and might arguably be worse. 

Just read the old dev logs from... eh, what's it called now... goodbye eternity? The dev has sold the soul of his game to please the steam censors again and again, turned the non-sexualized minor into a romancable adult to avoid the "no kids in 18+" rule, and still got banned in the end.

Now you're losing it. I just need to look at how far the game is, how long it took, and then do the simple math to know that this is going to be a decade-long wait. No idea why you're confusing what I said and what you said. 

Well, maybe it has to do with your need to project your faults on me. You flying into a rage and abandoning logic isn't the same as me calmly rebutting your comments.

Either way, the fact remains that after so many years of waiting, with years to come, you can't fault anyone for losing interest, faith or patience. The size of the promised update changes nothing about that. Missing the point won't make it go away.

Ah, yes, expecting people to stick around for a decade is totally not ludicrous, good job countering nothing. And why do you think daily dev notes are real when a dev can sell just the notes for as much as an entire game? The more you try to argue the doubts away, the more doubts you create. The more you try to contradict, the more you confirm.

If anyone is overly invested in internet arguments, it is probably the guy who spammed three half-baked posts in a row and then goes stalking someone's profile before posting another failed reply rather than cut his losses - you.

Do you realize that you're overcompensating right now? Are you trying to convince me, or yourself? And at what point have you actually countered anything I said? In fact, you're just confirming my points one by one.

Besides, never assume how much someone knows. I am no stranger to coding and game design, I know how much work it is, and that's part of the problem, because it's too much for one person to get done in the time most people are willing to stay alert for. So, you will inevitably have people lose faith or interest. That's nobody's fault, except maybe the guy who tries to make an entire game all by himself and ends up taking a decade doing so.

The prologue has been done for years now. Ch1 has supposedly been in the works ever since, but what we see is mostly patches, overhauls, and specials. What makes you so sure it really is going to come?

Even if it is legitimate, the timeframe is ludicrous. How long will the game take until completion if just ch1 is already taking several years? 

If we're in for a decade of production time at best and a letdown at worst, is he really wrong to lose faith?

Itch is a bit weird. Each download gives you an expiring access token, and taking too long or losing connection results in getting a "forbidden" response. Chrome does not handle that well.

Just get a dedicated download manager that can update and resume downloads, and re-start the download as often as needed. 

Awesome, looking forward to it!

On a side note, it's great to see developers post info to itch so regularly. Some don't give a peep for years, others only communicate on patreon, and then some spam needlessly twice a week... Good communication really sets you apart from the herd.

Phones these days tend to be at least full HD (1080x1920) or more, and tablets often reach quad or higher. They are also used at point blank range (20-50cm), so the effective size and visible details are no less than on PC or TV, quite the opposite.

What many phones (even new ones) don't have is the processing power to fluidly play heavily compressed animations, because a lot of models skimp on the GPU and the CPU is too busy with rendering the video and running renpy to also decompress the files.

So, I'd recommend to be very careful with compression in the android version.

(1 edit)

Don't worry about my road when you have already gone off the far end.

And no, you can't call me "unaccepting" or "black and white" for rejecting your non-sequiturs and straw men. That's like calling someone a picky eater for rejecting a feces sandwich.

I don't think you realize just how much you're projecting when you speak of passive aggressive blindness.

I examined all his points and your counters, and all of yours were invalid in premise, logic, or both, while his made sense. 

I took the time to read, and none of your "arguments" even address his criticism. Part is missing the point, part is just your imaginary headcanon, and part is blatant lies. 

For example, when he said that he has no problem with glasses, but no one would wear them e.g. in the shower, you called that "hating on glasses".  You went on about him being insulting, all while insulting him yourself. There's similar non-sequiturs in all your arguments. And before you ask me to list them: Why would I go to the trouble of addressing your nonsense when you didn't bother to address his valid points?

What you said about "that guy" is true - if "that guy" is you.

I have not seen such a string of missed points, non-sequiturs, and straw men in a long time. 

I applaud you for stepping up to "debates" rather than just insulting. It would just be nice if you were capable of actually having a debate. 

Now this is ironic. Insults are all the replies consist of, and you don't have any counter to his valid points either. Crooked take, indeed.

It's here! (excited downloading noises)

Ah, but to hell with those old saves. After you spent all that work to remake it, the least I can do is replay it. Which I'll probably need to do anyway to refresh that fuzzy memory of mine...

Finally, the time has come to release the hype from stasis...

This looks amazing. The remake seems well worth waiting for. The reflections on the swimsuit look great, and it adds a lot more depth.

I'm glad that you fixed the death claws, btw. They actually look like human hands now. I know hands are hard to draw/animate, so congrats on that.

Someone needs to teach MC the proper way to hold a knife though. ;P

I think you missed their point. They want the tutorial to be streamlined and focused rather than bloated with dialogue that does not move the tutorial forward.

Above, you have another person with a similar complaint, namely that you're mixing your narrative into the tutorial. 

At this point, you should be reflecting on what a tutorial is, and realize that it's better to keep humorous dialogue and character introductions in the story while making the tutorial as concise and short as possible.

The only CoD that matters. Cheers!

Your mental health comes first. If you need to take it slow, there's nothing wrong with that.

Don't worry too much about the players either. Miserable people tend to write miserable stories, so it won't serve anyone if you're forcing yourself to write when you're not feeling it. 

Best wishes to you and your mother.

Bug report, paste incoming...


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/n_events.rpy", line 742, in <module>

NameError: name 'Natalie_Path' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "n_events.rpyc", line 742, in script

  File "renpy/", line 2131, in execute

  File "renpy/", line 1097, in py_eval

  File "renpy/", line 1090, in py_eval_bytecode

  File "game/n_events.rpy", line 742, in <module>

NameError: name 'Natalie_Path' is not defined


I'm getting the same on android. Since this error involves a bad variable call, a coding issue, we'll have to wait for a fixed update.

If you still have both installs, it should be possible to copy the save games from the old game's folder to the new one. Just open andoid/data with your file manager and look for the games' respective folders. No guarantees on the saves working though.

This became toxic the moment you posted that blatantly false summary. But sure, have a good day.

Funny how you say that after you posted a straw man summary that blatantly twists my words, isn't it?

0. I did not write this for you, and my opinion is not up for debate unless you are Caribdis. I will merely point out what you got wrong.

0. b) Your numbers don't line up. That's not conductive to proper debate. So, replying to both sets...

1. No, I am referring to the several accounts of actual torture of actual human beings that occurs during the war scene. Luna is literally demeaning and torturing a fellow human, inflicting pain for fun. But yes, Nancy's threat of torture is another point of contention. And if she knows it's wrong, and still stoops to doing it, then what does that make her but a hypocrite too weak to meet her own standards? 

2. I am appalled at the way they trample over weaker characters, but moreso at the pleasure they take in inflicting pain and humiliation. I didn't say they should not get the Gem. I am criticizing the manner of combat. That was not efficient combat in pursuit of a goal. It was showing off, in a cruel and inhumane way that was not necessary to obtaim the Gem of Doom, seeing how Orion just appears in the enemy base anyway. Do you need to torture and humiliate humans for a military distraction? No. In fact, it would be far more effective and less dangerous to bind the enemy forces in a defensive battle.

3. a) I am not criticizing that they almost got killed, but that they acted in a way that should have resulted in death, and that Caribdis chose to bend reality and make their enemies completely incompetent so they would not have to face the consequences of failure, rather than let them overcome a real challenge through struggle and competence. 

3. b) There is nothing theatrical or funny about torturing a human being. Do you consider war crimes comedy?

4. a) You are reversing my argument to detract from the fact that safe for a few exceptions, women are not held to moral standards at all, and how that makes their characters unsympathetic and weak. That is not civil debate. The bizarre joy Caribdis finds in killing, torturing, and humiliating male characters is a seperate issue that is quite honestly not as important as the fact that he's making the female characters less likeable by letting them get away with all the misdeeds and crimes they commit.

4. b) If no one thinks what they did is okay, why is Caribdis so reluctant to hold them accountable? Benjamin got killed, for real, after attempting to rape a girl. Maat has been habitually raping people, and no praetorian showed up to kill or even just ban her. Why the double standard?  So many men were intentionay portrayed as sleazebags as a pretext for inflicting inhumane levels of pain and humiliation on them before they even commit any misdeeds. But when you have a female sleazebag luring you to the locker and taking non-consensual dick pics, nothing happens. Why the double standard? It shows barely contained hatred for men, but moreso a deep contempt for women. After all, the only ones you would exempt from responsibility are the ones you do not deem capable of bearing it. It's clear nobody gives a damn about the demonization and abuse of men, but I'd expect people to have an issue with blatant misogynistic coddling of women.

5. a) I am not just mad that she conceded, but that she betrayed Orion out of weakness. She was not just abstaining or mediating, but actively talking bad about him. And if Gertrude is an idiot who is not worth clinging to, why would Nancy go so far as to turn on her own loved ones just to stay in her good graces? You say that it's okay because Orion didn't mind, but that's just another issue. He just got betrayed by a person he loved and trusted since he was a kid, and he's not hurt by it? He sees her cave in and turn on him out of weakness, but then goes along with her "strong woman" spiel and calls her his queen? If a loved one turns on you, it hurts. The whole interaction doesn't check out unless you are so deeply contemptuous towards women that you don't expect any sort of integrity or loyalty from them. Which simply can not be true for a strong mother figure that you love. 

Your summary is also false. This is not a matter of morals versus comedy, it's about Caribdis turning lovable characters into insane sociopaths, turning desirable women with good human motivations and a strong, kind personality into two-dimensional monsters that have no empathy for their fellow humans if it allows them to satisfy their vanity. He's defiling the characters he poured so much effort into building, and it pains me to see him do it.