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A member registered Jul 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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I have decided to release the video game LEEWARD EPISODE 1 totally free! If you can now download it for free or by donating whatever you want, I hope you try it! 

 Download it here:

A girl named Wendy Fisher, from a family of fishermen, will be involved in an adventure in the four seas in search of her missing father, it sounds generic... but it will be so... she will run into peculiar and colorful characters. with diverse personalities and lives, who try to help her or not in her adventure. Help Wendy on her journey by solving puzzles, dilemmas, problems, making friends or enemies and much more. or that's what we have to say to make it sound interesting. An adventure full of black and absurd humor, strange places, like its inhabitants A game that is inspired by those graphic adventures of yesteryear and popular culture


Download it here:

I have decided to release the video game LEEWARD EPISODE 1 totally free! If you can now download it for free or by donating whatever you want, I hope you try it! 

 Download it here:

A girl named Wendy Fisher, from a family of fishermen, will be involved in an adventure in the four seas in search of her missing father, it sounds generic... but it will be so... she will run into peculiar and colorful characters. with diverse personalities and lives, who try to help her or not in her adventure. Help Wendy on her journey by solving puzzles, dilemmas, problems, making friends or enemies and much more. or that's what we have to say to make it sound interesting. An adventure full of black and absurd humor, strange places, like its inhabitants A game that is inspired by those graphic adventures of yesteryear and popular culture


Download it here:

I have decided to release the video game LEEWARD EPISODE 1 totally free! If you can now download it for free or by donating whatever you want, I hope you try it!

Download it here:

A girl named Wendy Fisher, from a family of fishermen, will be involved in an adventure in the four seas in search of her missing father, it sounds generic... but it will be so... she will run into peculiar and colorful characters. with diverse personalities and lives, who try to help her or not in her adventure. Help Wendy on her journey by solving puzzles, dilemmas, problems, making friends or enemies and much more. or that's what we have to say to make it sound interesting. An adventure full of black and absurd humor, strange places, like its inhabitants A game that is inspired by those graphic adventures of yesteryear and popular culture


Download it here:

Hi Onkel-Helga... that's look like a memory error, we will do our best to fix it... We apologize for the bad experience finding a bug, we hope you will love the rest of the game regardless of this little bug. thanks for everything, enjoy leeward

Hi MrDroid.... sorry, but I don't know what the problem would be... the wallpapers pack is included with the base game

Purchase Leeward Episode 1 at a 20% OFF

or Purchase  the Bundle Leeward Episode 1 + Official Soundtrack for 26% OFF

available from 01/21/22 to 01/25/22

BUNDLE OFFER 👉 26% OFF LEEWARD Episode 1 + Soundtrack Bundle

A little girl named Wendy Fisher, from a fishers family, will be involved in an adventure in the four seas looking for her missing father, that's sound generic... but so it will be... she will bump with quirky and colorful characters with various personalities and lives, who try to help her or not in her adventure. Help Wendy in her crossing solving puzzles, dilemmas, problems, making friends or enemies and much more. or that's what we have to say to make it sound interesting. An adventure full of black and absurd humor, strange places, like its inhabitants  A game that is inspired by those graphic adventures of yesteryear and the popular culture

Game Link 👉

A little girl named Wendy Fisher, from a fishers family, will be involved in an adventure in the four seas looking for her missing father, that's sound generic... but so it will be... she will bump with quirky and colorful characters with various personalities and lives, who try to help her or not in her adventure. Help Wendy in her crossing solving puzzles, dilemmas, problems, making friends or enemies and much more. or that's what we have to say to make it sound interesting. An adventure full of black and absurd humor, strange places, like its inhabitants  A game that is inspired by those graphic adventures of yesteryear and the popular culture

Internet friends and weird people 

It's now available to buy our first commercial video game!



A little girl named Wendy Fisher, from a fishers family, will be involved in an adventure in the four seas looking for her missing father, that's sound generic... but so it will be... she will bump with quirky and colorful characters with various personalities and lives, who try to help her or not in her adventure. Help Wendy in her crossing solving puzzles, dilemmas, problems, making friends or enemies and much more. or that's what we have to say to make it sound interesting. An adventure full of black and absurd humor, strange places, like its inhabitants  A game that is inspired by those graphic adventures of yesteryear and the popular culture



Episode 1 has an approximate duration of between 3 to 4 hours 🕗

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All content copyright to Lautaro J. Esteras 2022 ©

Buenas noticias a todos !!!

Leeward Episodio 1 ¡¡¡El desarrollo está hecho !!! En las próximas semanas anunciaremos la fecha de lanzamiento oficial ...

Espere nuevos avances y clips en los próximos días

Por ahora, visite el sitio web previo al lanzamiento =

Good News Everyone!!!

Leeward Episode 1 Development is done!!! In the upcoming weeks we will announce the official release date...

Wait for new trailers and clips in the next days

For now visit the pre-launch web site for more info =

Hello internet people 🖖

I want to publish an announcement here for the first time that the development of my first commercial game is in its final stages.

Leeward Episode 1

We have been working on it since April 2020, and if nothing goes wrong, its release is planned for late November or early December (more in the future we will say the exact date)

We do not have any demo to show you, because the duration of the game is approximately 4 hours of gameplay.

Here we leave you a quick synopsis of the plot and some features and images, so that you are interested in the project ... I would love to hear your comments


A little girl named Wendy Fisher, from a fishers family, will be involved in an adventure in the four seas looking for her missing father, that's sound generic... but so it will be... she will bump with quirky and colorful characters with various personalities and lives, who try to help her or not in her adventure.

Help Wendy in her crossing solving puzzles, dilemmas, problems, making friends or enemies and much more. or that's what we have to say to make it sound interesting.

An adventure full of black and absurd humor, strange places, like its inhabitants 

A game that is inspired by those graphic adventures of yesteryear and the popular culture


-You will explore  the nautical world in search of your missing father (super imaginative plot)

-You will meet new friends and enemies

-You will solve puzzles of all kinds

-You will try not to die trying

-You will become a pirate 

Hola chicos ...  Estoy trabajando en un videojuego estilo aventura gráfica, siendo el primer juego comercial para mí ...

y lo estoy terminando ... si quieres comprobarlo =

Quiero hacer un segundo proyecto experimentando con novelas visuales, y decidí crear esta publicación para   recibir retroalimentación y poder hacer algo mejor, y obviamente conocer gente que esté interesada en mi proyecto y quiera aportar cosas como una comunidad de fans.

Me gustaría hacerte una pregunta simple para comenzar =
Tengo varias ideas para hacer varias novelas visuales, pero quiero comenzar con dos que tengo ... ¿Cuál de estas dos ideas te parece más interesante?

1- Eres un joven luchador que se va abriendo camino en el mundo de las indies mientras mejoras tu carácter y conoces gente, relaciones, etc., hasta llegar a la máxima empresa de lucha libre y llevas unos años en ella (más contenido podría ser agregado con actualizaciones)

2- Eres un personaje de fantasía medieval en un futuro distópico estilo cyberpunk, donde mejoras tu personaje, características, etc., conoces gente, y luchas en mazmorras, historias secundarias etc.

Me gustaría saber tu opinión, así que ... empezaré a sentar las bases de este nuevo proyecto con tus opiniones.

más tarde, determinaré los elementos más profundos de la historia, el juego, la monetización, o será un juego gratuito basado en el soporte de Patreon, idk

Espero tus opiniones !!!