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Element Mill

A member registered Jul 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Great hanging out with you on Taco's chat. Loved your game too, really fun.

Haha -- it was magic beer!

Super fun game, like Mario Maker but you can't control the character. Well done!

Super fun game, like Mario Maker but you can't control the character. Well done!

Quite a good idea! I enjoyed the song mechanics, and feel there's a lot of potential there. Controls were a bit tricky, and I'd love to see different keybindings to make it easier to swap between songs. Liked the aesthetic a lot and had a very good time with the game.

The mechanics were simple but the gameplay was really addicting! I had a great time. I think the scrolling speed is just a little too fast, it makes your success based more on luck than skill. But overall great job.

I really enjoyed it, very fun. I think having the water be more unpredicable would make it fit the theme more, it seemed to rise and fell when I needed it to. But overall had a great time with it.

I appreciate it! I would've loved an extra day (like all of us) to polish the controls, but hopefully my intention got across. Toughest part was trying to find a balance between fun and frustrating.

Thank you very much! It was really fun to try and execute.