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there is a minor bug where some settings don't save, like game settings and sound, not too big, but a bug non of the less(you don't have to go out of your way to fix it)

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here is 0.2 and have 0.1 if you're feeling crazy

we are going to be good friends

fun game, unfortunately it's abandonware, looks like the dev is working on a new snow based game called "some snow game"

keep it, it's a feature

you really shouldn’t encourage that… just a thought, what do I know

it's like endless sky, and the free world campaign... but better in every way

for all you furry haters, there is evidence that humans exist in this world

one: who made the abominations

two: the sniper rifle is too big... and all of the other guns

three: most of the doors are much bigger than you

unfortunately it appears humanity died... take that as you will

I say myself that I'm not a fan of the furry community, the kindest wording I've got, but I don't see why you can't enjoy a game because of minor art desision. I also don't understand how not liking furies means hating the game...

well my 0.3 download doesn't work anymore, and it would be nice to build in 0.2 without the browser restrictions(at high piece counts it can lag when placing things down)

I’d wall bounce over it

I wonder who did... I don't mean every fan is bad, it's just most community centers are filled with these bad apples

it's very fun, but I find more value in building, more purpose to it I guess... just don't interact with the community, just as bad as the ultra kill community, best to stay away if you want to enjoy it

tsk tsk tsk, you making a bad example of yourselves, I only meant that elon made twitters accessibility worse for those who don't have twitter, I said nothing of his policies, get yourself together

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oh my goodness, why am I so stupid, for some dumb reason I thought the steam page was updated...

also nice game. I grew up on it, and had a lot a fun with it ... except those stupid missions with that girl, very annoying person, for a  hot second I thought I found my people and she came and killed them all... I didn't know the lore, but the scavengers had the same Armour I did in the first game

why do you only update the steam page?

yo, new update, I'll check it out later

should I make a new save for it?

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what is it you want to deco(style wise)?

sounds like fun

here's a perma link if that one fails

since the 0.4 update, my 0.3 copy hasn't worked, and I just have to ask, what kind of person sabotages downloads of their own game

unfortunately his twitter is not available unless you have an account, because of some thing elon did

PolyTrack community · Created a new topic new server

a friend of mine made a server for people who were banned on the official server for unjust reasons and for people who generally don’t like the official server. Rather than being a mal- moderated mess, he and I plan to make it more kid friendly and welcoming

an alternative server if you don't like the official one, we plan to make it more kid friendly and be more strict with certain rules

any combat tips?

why would you stop playing a game over disliking a minor artistic decision

it's a very good game, Personally I liked 0.2 best, mostly for nostalgia, but I will die on that hill. Just wish there were other platforms for the community

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Can you allow for downloads for previous versions? It would make finding them easier

edit: could this also include 0.2

That’s fine

come back to us(maybe I'm missing something since twitter sucks now)

if you have the quality too high it bugs out certain texts, lower it and it should be fixed

beautiful game, pretty fun too, forshame it is a dead game. it has my condolences