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A member registered Sep 10, 2018

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One of my favorite concepts. My main complaint was that once the car was driving on the sidewalk you could move everything out of the way. Making the game far to easy. I think placing movable objects on the road instead of road block would have worked a bit better. You wouldn't just use objects to bump the car onto the right path but have to pull some out from in front of the car.

What I liked: I loved the tension that comes with not being in control. I was always a little nervous that the driver would make the wrong turn. The rage meter was a great addition that gave you even less control and made the few choices you had even more important. 

What I would suggest: My main complaint was how you would typically go left, than right, than left, than right, and so on. I think more complex maps could remedy this. Or perhaps a key you need to pick up before reaching the exit. I really liked Dominik_Dec's suggestion of using random words rather than left/right.

(1 edit)

What I liked: It reminded me more of a physical puzzle than a typical video game puzzle. Probably due to that lack of feedback / visuals. This made it frustrating but also surprisingly zen.  I played it a lot longer than I thought I would and overall I really enjoyed it.

What I would suggest: I think making it so you move along a grid like chess would make it less frustrating. It would also make it much easier but the difficulty could be ramped up with hazards and harder level design.

What I liked: I found a surprising amount of risk/reward and quick thinking in this game. Often I would rapid fire shots going for a quick kill but I sacrificed accuracy and risked missing all of my shots. A nicely lined up head shot can take forever to connect but is almost an instant kill. I loved the challenge of balancing exactly how long I should keep control of the bullet.

What I would suggest: I think making it viable to shoot enemy bullets out of the air would add some much needed defensive options. The current system of giving health per kill makes the game drag on and can give you so much health you will never die.

What I liked: Due to the teleport arrow Legless Knight requires a lot more tactic than other similar rouge likes.  You need to think about where you are going to move well before you actually move. You can't just run and gun, hope for the best and run away right when danger presents itself. Skill based movement is something that has been lacking from the rouge likes I have had a chance to play. I think it adds a lot of depth and planning.

What I would suggest: I only had two issues that i can think of; The play area felt a bit cramped and enemy's projectiles where a pain. I think if shooting gave a little knock back you could scoot around small projectiles like arrows without completely giving up your position. Different enemies could shoot large projectiles that are too wide to be dodged. Additionally you could add enemy projectiles that can be shot down before they reach you.