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El Mehdi Mnajli

A member registered Dec 11, 2023

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GateSwapper is an addictive puzzle game that brilliantly ramps up the challenge! The integration of tutorial elements into gameplay is genius, easing players into the mechanics seamlessly. The collectibles manipulating lasers add a clever layer of complexity. While the background clashed with the art, the game's simplicity shone through. The encouragement on the end-game page was motivating, pushing me to improve.

Constructive feedback includes expanding levels and fixing minor glitches like barriers spawning on players. The puzzles were engaging, urging me to strive for better scores. The starter level was a great introduction, though the text could better match the pixel art style.

Overall, the challenging puzzles and the clever use of tutorials make GateSwapper a gem. Enhancements like more levels and graphical adjustments could elevate this already entertaining game!

This game's a real challenge, and that's what makes it addictive! Learning enemy patterns felt rewarding, though some initial encounters were a bit tough. Adding a score indicator for replay value might amp up the excitement. The strategic aspect and varied graphics enhance the overall experience, though collision issues were noticeable. The wizards' speed and narrow gaps created a thrilling urgency, yet squeezing through felt a tad tricky. The art, especially the wizards, is impressive! Observing enemy patrols added a layer of strategy, but collisions with block edges posed a slight setback. Despite this, the game's simplicity and cohesive graphics, along with well-placed keys and stairs, make for engaging gameplay. The sound effects and fast-paced enemies contribute to the challenge, making each round exciting. Overall, it's a solid game with room for smoother collisions and a score system to elevate the experience.

Bias Busters' game style and art are fantastic! The storyline adds such depth; playing as a medical data scientist fighting bias feels meaningful. Collecting green USBs for good data is more than just a game mechanic; it's a mission. Dodging red USBs full of bias adds challenge and urgency to curating unbiased information. Balancing bias data cleaners is a strategic touch. The thrill of gaining invincibility to battle data monsters represents triumph over bias. Using arrow keys for movement feels intuitive, enhancing the gameplay (I like to use arrow keys more than WASD keys). Overall, you really did a good job.

I find the variety in playable characters really engaging. The character designs, animations, and the visual elements in the game are all quite appealing. I love the depth given to each character through their individual stories; it's a real treat for someone who appreciates well-crafted narratives in games.