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Thank you! I really tried utilizing a lot of chords with the flat 6 in it on this piece such V+/vi  (E Augmented), bII (Db Major), and bvii7 (Bbmin7). It was fun doing it haha

I really like how you utilize rhythms in each pieces. Really should learn how to utilize more interesting rhythms like these.

Thank you very much. I've been lacking practice on orchestral build up, so it feels really good for people to notice it!

Aww thank you. Really tried my best to use some new chord progression this time.

Thank you so much for listening! 

Man all the songs feels super fun, energetic, and bouncy. Great job. I'm vibing pretty hard. 

Man, loved the smooth transition 00:21. And the portamentos are so nicely used. Good job mate! The song is really unique

Loved all the works! From the peaceful flute beginning to the intense boss battle theme. Good job!

Hey man, I'm glad I could join in!

Thanks! I also like the music box version too myself haha

Thank you so much. It was definitely a good practice trying to make it in to an orchestral piece!

Thank you. Yeah, I honestly should've put the bass trombone more in the middle of the mix, but I forgot to put it back in and just uploaded haha;;; But glad you enjoyed it!

Really like how it was mysterious at the start yet when the erhu comes in with the piano, it feels like the fogs are cleared up and the world is shown to us

Great job mate! Both the songs are so distinct yet also on theme the whole time! Loved the usage of the ethnic instruments, which really gives off the oriental vibe. Really how powerful Divine Decent is!

Interesting, it made me feel like playing the SNES games again. Nice

Wow, creating so many tracks in such a short time, but all of them are quite high quality. Good job!

Loved the ethnic touch of the piece. Really creates the oriental vibe.

Awesome job guys. All the songs were such high quality, it is quite insane. The string and the brass especially sounds great. The melodies are quite memorable and how each sections just keeps evolving is so meticulously done. Great job.

I really enjoyed the vile approach and the overture. The sudden changes in the mood in the overture was very catchy.

Beautiful melodies and rhythmic lines. Great job. You really captured the ethnic essence of the theme