"The prophecy has come to pass... and score!"
This is hilarious.
Bugged, unfortunately. Used my last shiny health token and got 6 tokens back, paid off death and got a shiny health back, the guard wouldn't stop repeating himself over and over until I placed a coin in the "make it shiny" bucket, then he did the correct dialogue, but twice, even though after the first time I was down to the correct number of tokens, and then death came after me, even though I'd already earned back a health token from him? So I just hit "next" and died.
Now can I complain about this game?
Once you get past lower-floor RNG hell and get an exploding shotgun, it's basically just knock-off Nuclear Throne, which is all I wanted when I clicked on this game.
But for the developer himself to 1. first, talk smack, then 2. throw a reddit tantrum over some legitimate criticism... come on man. With a couple YouTube videos a small child could make this himself in Godot in a couple weeks. Maybe not 3 days, but get over yourself.
Shout out to Spirit Lamp for bringing me back here.