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A member registered Nov 10, 2019

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"The prophecy has come to pass... and score!"

This is hilarious.

Some fun ideas going on in this game!

Uh, this is fucking incredible.

I could be arsed to figure it out, I'm sure it's self-explanatory as time goes on, but like, I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of the sidebar (right clicking works but also brings up the radial menu) while my guys have gone off to a dungeon by themselves and someone almost died.

Wait did you literally just update it? I'm playing now and it works more expectedly! Haha! Also did you add ASWD controls or did I just miss it the first time around?!

Pretty fun! Love the look. I wish 1. magnets didn't override other powerups, and 2. bigger enemies were worth more.

187660. Turn this into a game with upgrades you have to choose and it would have a ton of depth!

Ah yes, 6 + 1 = 1. Please cotninue.

Fantastic. Love it. 

Pretty fun, pretty annoying. Good job!

Yeah, this game rules. Prepare to make a bunch of money and get super famous. 

Totally awesome.

Super smooth, very fun, nice idea.

Very cute game.

Pretty good for a jam game! Neat showcase of different ideas. The Super Meat Boy levels of platforming bull detract a lot from the game I think. 

Too hard for stupid reasons. Good thing I'm not pumping quarters into a machine. 

This was a masterpiece, honestly. Incredibly well done. 

Very annoying. Love it. 

Very addictive. Pretty good progression flow, there's just a point where it's hard to make more than ~$5k gold that gets tough. 

Do this, but make it 3D Elephant Rave.

Seems like sometimes when you click off the screen you just die for some reason? Like maybe monsters keep walking but you stop shooting? Anyways I guess I should have stopped at 212 anyways.... great game very addicting! And I'm just playing the janky web version! 

How do I zoom out further..? Fun game though!

This is so awesome. So smooth so fun so many vania references.

Bugged, unfortunately. Used my last shiny health token and got 6 tokens back, paid off death and got a shiny health back, the guard wouldn't stop repeating himself over and over until I placed a coin in the "make it shiny" bucket, then he did the correct dialogue, but twice, even though after the first time I was down to the correct number of tokens, and then death came after me, even though I'd already earned back a health token from him? So I just hit "next" and died.

Awesome idea for a game. Loved it. More, more!

I don't know exactly how this works, but I hovered over a game, pressed "1" on my keyboard, and it's gone. Works perfect as far as I'm concerned!! Amazing job.

I like the camera switch. Thanks for making Kevin beatable - learned a brand new game just by jumping in!

Trying to read through the thread to understand this. Looks cool, powerful.

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I love that there's a [excellent, well-curated] preloaded list of games to hide hahaha. I pretty much have just given up on Itch being usable the way I want it (I have so many games purchased I need to go through, anyways), but I'll try this out and see if it makes the experience better.

Very fun - thanks for not making it too hard :)

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Flappy Bird, meet Slappy Sperm.

(also this game rules)

This is awesome.

(1 edit)

Plenty of them are tagged just fine for my purposes. See below as an example of something pushed on my front page that I would never want to see. I say both exclusion filters and never again button, please.

This was awesome. Reminds me of Bushido Blade. 

Fucking 10/10 masterpiece.

Love it.

This is already pretty damned great. Level 5 is nuts.

Need to reduce the hitbox. Cool game though love me a Contra clone.

Now can I complain about this game?

Once you get past lower-floor RNG hell and get an exploding shotgun, it's basically just knock-off Nuclear Throne, which is all I wanted when I clicked on this game. 

But for the developer himself to 1. first, talk smack, then 2. throw a reddit tantrum over some legitimate criticism... come on man. With a couple YouTube videos a small child could make this himself in Godot in a couple weeks. Maybe not 3 days, but get over yourself.

Shout out to Spirit Lamp for bringing me back here.