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A member registered Mar 26, 2022

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Non-combat npc's like peasant girls and princesses are a planned feature. Due to the small size of our team it's unlikely we'll be adding in full kingdom conquering. Perhaps in the future when the size of our team increases.

I'm setting up the ability system right now. I'll probably put it into the game before the launch on steam.

I agree. The idea of minions would be really cool. Building your own lair is a fun idea. I'll have to look into it as it wouldn't be a small undertaking and there are a lot of basic things that still need done.

Pornhub is a legitimate website that makes it's profit from ad revenue and sponsorship deals. It's a lot like YouTube in that way but for porn. You will probably see some ads but it's unlikely you will get a virus.

You can attack using the Left Mouse Button when you are within combat range of an enemy. The Right Mouse Button is used to parry incoming attacks and block. I'm planning to rework the respawns with the coming level updates.

I don't fully understand your question. Would you clarify it for me?

That's a good idea. Once crafting is added into the game I'll look into it.

Thank you for your support. We're currently waiting on Steam approval but hopefully we'll be launching into early access soon. The game has been a lot of fun to work on and we're really excited to bring it to the next level of development and finally move out of the unfinished state we're currently in. Expect a lot of polish and content coming in the near future.

Thank you for your interest. We're not onboarding anyone right now because it takes a lot of time. Right now we're focusing on preparing the game for steam release. You can check back after the game has been launched on steam. We may have more time then.

(2 edits)

I do agree. I switched  to a different penis model during development and didn't increase size enough on it. I'll fix that in one of the coming updates.

Edit: Here's an idea. What if you need level up your dick and with each level it grows bigger.

(1 edit)

In the review queue. Aiming to launch by the end of the month.

Oh. Interesting. That's because the mouse clicks on mobile devices are emulated using the touch screen. Interesting. I'll add the controller triggers on there. Once I put in the normal controller options it should work fine on the steam deck. I'll add it into the next update. Thanks for letting me know.

I don't currently have a steam deck for development which would be required for creating and testing builds. That being said there's no reason the control scheme wouldn't work well for the steam deck. After the steam release I'll look into picking one up. I think the game would work quite well for handheld, particularly the top down mode.

I'm glad you are enjoying it. I will take a look at the defilement crash. This month we will be preparing for our launch to steam so you will likely see a lot more content in the near future. Thanks for your support.

You're welcome.

You are welcome. Thanks for your support. I'll be posting once the steam build has been approved and the store page is up. I'll save a steam key for you.

I'm running on a gtx 1080 with a i7 hexa core and 32gb of ram. In this next patch I will have an options menu which will allow you to tweak the settings to improve performance. There are some stability issues associated with longer play sessions that I'm still addressing. I will continue to improve performance with each patch as smooth gameplay is a priority.

Yes. I'm currently working on the skill trees this week in preparation of the push to steam. Once I've finished that for the build this week that I'll be launching today or tomorrow I'll go back to working on the various mini-games inside of the lair. The goal is to have the all completed before the steam launch which will be planned for around the end of the month. So you can expect much of this content to be available by the end of the month.

Yep. Actually, I just looked. It switched to a zoomed out view when you pull your sword out with her. Looking forward to chatting on discord.

  1. Thank you. It's been a long road getting to place where I had the programming, animation, and design knowledge to actually build the ideas in my head. Not perfect, but with time I think it will a really solid game.
  2. I think I actually did have that skyrim mod. I've been experimenting with a system where you could around the environment and it performs queries to determine the best looking animation for each spot and then adjusts the animations to compensate for the ground and nearby props. It's super early though and a little to janky to put into core game right now.
  3. Definitely on the actiony side like darksiders. I didn't have a chance to play lichdom. I'll take a look at it.
  4. I do exploration is really awesome, and those hidden areas make the game a lot more interesting. I'll keep it in mind moving forward and see if I can't sneak it in somewhere.
  5. s
  6. The idea is that the loot is the characters in the world. So the tougher and more powerful and enemy is the more power you can extract from them via the various systems in the game. This is kind of conceptualized in the idea of virtues: Valor, Wisdom, Beauty. The idea kind of comes from Jeepers Creepers. He has to go around and find things in people that he wants to eat. I'm definitely open to ideas for naming convention or ideas for this. Main take away is that stronger enemies = more power.
  7. I missed that game when it came out. It sounds really awesome though. I think I actually have it in my steam library. I'll definitely take a look at it.
  8. s
  9. Yes. I've been updating the AI slowly, but I am setting up system for bravery rolls and such so that encountering enemies can lead to a variety of different scenarios including them panicking and running away. I  really want to have a scenario where a bunch of dudes are standing on the other side of the gate siege of Minas Tirith style saying "You hold your ground" then you burst through and everyone start screaming and panicking.
  10. Stealth and sneaking I'm currently working on. That's a cool idea. I can probably do that by extending the light actor classes. I will add it to the list of possible features.
  11. I would really like if eventually you could literally become a grand evil lord with minions and things. So you could actually have companions or body guards. A lot of these ideas are not hard to add. It just comes down to time and where to put it. Mounts I think will most certainly find there way in. Probably when I make the map large enough that it's inconvenient to move around on foot.

I'll boot up hunted, space marine, and darksiders 1 later and mess around and see what I can get from them. The low camera angle is actually pretty close to hunted when you play as Elara, but they put it down that low so you could always look at her ass.

Very few people means very few rules. This will probably change with time. Look forward to seeing you there. You can continue to post here or there. I will probably respond faster through discord though.

The system is designed to be usable with any character I just haven't put character swapping into the game. I think that would be great and I will definitely look into it, but it's likely that this will be once I have ironed out more of the systems or brought on more people to help with development.

As for open defilement. I'm going to be adding in defilement points to the outside map so you don't have to return to the lair. I'm aiming to add defilement points across the map in general so you're never far from one. I build the animations around an object or prop because I find it more interesting for the character to interact with the environment during animations. That being said, I'm currently working on a system that adjusts the characters animations to compensate for the environment. IE: the character will adjust there position and animation based on the location and what they're standing next to. This would be the start of open defilement. Still very early. For now while the core systems are built it will just be defilement points spread throughout the map.

I think defiling the male would be very easy to add since you'll be sending them into the dungeon with this next update anyway for the enslavement system. You're not the only one who's asked me about that so it's likely it will be added as a feature at some point over the next couple months.

Clarification. Do you mean defiling characters in group scenes with other creatures like werewolves? If so then yes I've been experimenting with group animations mostly involving skeletons or other demons. This is however at least two months out because there's other things to do.

Devouring = Yes. Downing enemies performing finishers and enslaving them will start to be put in next week with the version 13 update. I'm a big Space Marine fan so I was definitely leaning towards regening health via executions.

Limb Targeting = The reason the camera is in so close now is because it works great with the limb targeting system. I know you haven't had a chance to try out the combat due to motion sickness, but one I put in options next week you will hopefully be able to see how that works.

  1. Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes.
  2. I wish I could have that in right now. It will be there eventually, right now there's just a lot to do for one person.
  3. That's part of the enslaving system that will be introduced next patch. 
  4. I'm a big fan of ARPG games. What I would like to do is bring this to a point where you can build the defiler like you would with a game like Grim Dawn or Diablo, but in a third person style. This would include weapon skills and magic disciplines such as necromancy.
  5. The original concept of the game had that. I would like to add it in but there are a lot of performance concerns I still need to address so that's going to be a back burner for awhile. I like the idea.
  6. Yes. I really want to add in a knockback. Maybe a leap slam or a shield charge. Next patch if I have time.
  7. I was think some kind of blood fury or frenzy would be cool. I also had the idea that you could devour someone on the spot to gain temporary bonuses based on their virtues. So if you eat someone with a bunch of valour then you could gain speed and damage for a time. That would be easy to add.
  8. Interesting. You'll have to tell me more of this.
  9. I definitely want to add this. It's the same a sweat on the maiden during defilement. It's on to do list.
  10. That's a great idea. I'm going to look into this.

Thanks again. I really like your feedback.

(3 edits)

Interesting. I didn't think about motions sickness. I'll add the options menu into the next build and setup a variable camera zoom. I'll add in a setting to disable camera tilt to avoid this as well as the ability to disable post process effects. I'll make sure the next build has easy settings for zooming adjusting the camera so everyone can play with there desired style. Thanks for letting me know.

Here's a temporary link to the discord in case you want to join. Here's a link:


  1. Yes. Primary focus is finishing the systems so the environment is taking a back seat. I'll address these in about two weeks when I start filling out the environment again.
  2. Lol. Major issue with that. I'll be updating the grab/enslave system next week. That should solve the problem. A lot of animations are still place holder during early development.
  3. I'll probably reduce recoil and remove getting knocked down except from heavy attacks in either the next patch or the following.
  4. I removed it to replace it with a new system that allows you to change clothing and edit appearances. It's related to the enslavement system and so I just haven't integrated it into the core game yet. Next week I'll be introducing the enslavement system and probably putting that back in.
  5. Think of the animations as works in progress. I like animating, but it takes a lot of time and the engineering work is a priority while I get the core systems up and running. After next week I'll set aside a day to clean those up and add some additional ones. 
  6. The original prompt was place holder. I'll be updating this next week.
  7. I haven't added the climax animation in. Once I do she will stay on the altar until you pick her up. A lot of stuff was pulled temporarily because it integrates with the enslavement system.


  1. I like the way you think.
  2. I think this would be cool. It would most likely be an upgrade achieved by devouring a certain character.
  3. I was just thinking about that. Fighting multiple characters is a little rough without some AOE.
  4. The idea with the limb targetting is that you pick vulnerable locations and swing at those. Eventually there will be armor and health counters on the targetting system. I would absolutely love to add armor getting removed that way as well as flesh being cleaved from bone.
  5. That's a good idea. I'm still working out the whole flow of the game. I'm gonna keep this in mind.
  6. With version 12 the melee combat is in a better place. I'll be moving on to ranged and magic next.

Thank you for all your feedback. It's much appreciated.

Yes, this is a concern and will be addressed in the patch tonight. Please check back for version 12 which will improve the lighting and combat system.

For now you can post it here. You can also post it in the dev logs.

Yes. The work this week has been focused on stabilizing the game. I'll be pushing a patch tonight which will improve overall performance and hopefully fix the crashing issues. I'll add in a teleport feature tonight so you can easily teleport back to the throne. For this early version of the game you also don't need a maiden in hand to activate the altar. You can simply walk up to it and press E. When the game is in a finalized form this won't be the case.

Thank you. I appreciate your support. Once all of the game systems are a little more stable I'll definitely look into adding some variety to the game.

Thank you so much. Me as well.

I'm a big Doom fan. The original version of this game was first person, but it's hard to appreciate being a giant demon in first person. Maybe I'll add first person mode back in somewhere down the line. Thanks for the kind words.

I've added a story section to the store page. I'll be sure to update it as I go. Once I have a place for lore inside of the actual game I'll be putting it there. My idea is to tell the story from the point of view of the good characters. Kind of think about it like you're playing the monster in a horror movie.Story:

 And so it was, the Great Defiler, the scourge Mythalon was defeated. His body was wrapped in silver chains and placed in a box sacred oak entombed deep inside the earth. Around the tomb were placed nine magic seals to keep evil forever bound to the darkness and shadows. And upon the grave was erected a Grand Cathedral to mark & remember the day that evil was finally vanquished. But the doom men, is that they forget. So ages came and went the once great halls fell to ruin and the seals that bound evil began to weaken. Now you have awakened with a hunger for all that lives in the light. The time has come to break the seals and unleash your wrath upon the world. Dominate, Defile, & Devour...

I recommend using and downloading through the app. It will also keep the game up to date for you so you don't have to keep downloading zip files.

I actually have been working on a system that does just that but it hasn't been implemented yet. That's a good idea with the succubus/demoness girl. I actually do have a skin for that that looks fairly close to that. I have some more basic stuff that still needs done but once I've addressed that I'll look into hooking up the enslavement and corruption system.

The game already contains the ability to play as different characters, it's just not implemented, so it wouldn't be hard to add in the ability to swap between them. This is a cool idea and the concept of swapping to someone more humanoid is nice. I'll give it some thought and see when I can get to it.