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  1. Thank you. It's been a long road getting to place where I had the programming, animation, and design knowledge to actually build the ideas in my head. Not perfect, but with time I think it will a really solid game.
  2. I think I actually did have that skyrim mod. I've been experimenting with a system where you could around the environment and it performs queries to determine the best looking animation for each spot and then adjusts the animations to compensate for the ground and nearby props. It's super early though and a little to janky to put into core game right now.
  3. Definitely on the actiony side like darksiders. I didn't have a chance to play lichdom. I'll take a look at it.
  4. I do exploration is really awesome, and those hidden areas make the game a lot more interesting. I'll keep it in mind moving forward and see if I can't sneak it in somewhere.
  5. s
  6. The idea is that the loot is the characters in the world. So the tougher and more powerful and enemy is the more power you can extract from them via the various systems in the game. This is kind of conceptualized in the idea of virtues: Valor, Wisdom, Beauty. The idea kind of comes from Jeepers Creepers. He has to go around and find things in people that he wants to eat. I'm definitely open to ideas for naming convention or ideas for this. Main take away is that stronger enemies = more power.
  7. I missed that game when it came out. It sounds really awesome though. I think I actually have it in my steam library. I'll definitely take a look at it.
  8. s
  9. Yes. I've been updating the AI slowly, but I am setting up system for bravery rolls and such so that encountering enemies can lead to a variety of different scenarios including them panicking and running away. I  really want to have a scenario where a bunch of dudes are standing on the other side of the gate siege of Minas Tirith style saying "You hold your ground" then you burst through and everyone start screaming and panicking.
  10. Stealth and sneaking I'm currently working on. That's a cool idea. I can probably do that by extending the light actor classes. I will add it to the list of possible features.
  11. I would really like if eventually you could literally become a grand evil lord with minions and things. So you could actually have companions or body guards. A lot of these ideas are not hard to add. It just comes down to time and where to put it. Mounts I think will most certainly find there way in. Probably when I make the map large enough that it's inconvenient to move around on foot.