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Double Dead Studio

A member registered May 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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And I genuinely gave you my answer. I'm non-binary, and I tailor the aesthetic to a more general androgyny because of my preferences.

Also, I don't like this "very offended" comment you're pulling, because if you were really being curious/constructive, you would've elaborated more. Not that it even matters, anyway. The art style is done, so I don't even understand the point of commenting like this.

Yes, there is, but it's just my private Patreon server right now. I intend to make a dedicated RH server in the following months. I can make an announcement here + the socials for when they're up, so stay tuned!

(1 edit)

Thank you!!

Yeah, the romance scene is inaccessible deliberately because he'd be so hungry he would just eat the MC. (It's not the best situation, I know, but this choice will get explored more in future updates.)

I like them that way?

Very happy this lovely review is the page's official 69th comment

Thank you for letting me know! The journal entries aren't as fleshed out as the rest of the game, so I'll see if I can polish them up next update.

Oh, that's fantastic to hear!! :D

That's very odd. You're the 1st person that had this complaint, and just with this update, so it must be something that was implemented with the new code that's incompatible with your computer (either it's the new Ren'Py version or something we added in). I also use Windows 11, so it's not that. We'll keep checking.

We're working on an Android release right now, so you can wait for that if you have an Android.

In the meantime, if you'd like to play it and help me troubleshoot it, can you contact me via email [] or Discord [brokemycrown]? Please identify yourself with your itch username when you do. Thank you! :)

It will be completed! Just... very slowly. ;) I am but one person!

I'm still waiting for my programmer to get back to me on follow-up questions, but just to clarify... you downloaded the new update, clicked the Reanimated Heart icon in the folder, and it just doesn't load?

Can you describe what kind of error you're getting?

Yes, I totally am! Hopefully next update is on December or January :3

The MC can be male/female/nb! I think the male MC is a bit androgynous looking by default, just for convenience's sake

Oh... It's not. I must've made a mistake ticking the boxes, sorry.

We're still looking into mobile compatibility!

No worries! Thank you for thinking to comment, because we're always on the look out for bugs :)

Oh, that's where the demo ends! Sorry, I must've forgotten to put the "end demo" dialogue box

Yes, they will be NSFW scenes, so watch out for that in the future ;)

(1 edit)

The plan is to have fully detailed sexual scenes eventually (but they can be entirely skippable).  I explain this in the game description. Just go with the ones you want to see there!

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "beige skin" since google is giving me different results. There are light tan ones.

Oh, good to hear!!

Me and my programmer aren't getting an error with the Windows file of the game... 
1.) I have Windows
2.) I download ReanimatedHeart-1.0-win
3.) I extract the file
4.) I open ReanimatedHeart-1.0-win folder
5.) I double click the Reanimated Heart icon (Application) with the heart, it loads the game
6.) I click New Game and it opens

If you don't mind, can you follow this step by step and then tell me which part of the process the error appears? And then upload the error on imgur and link it here, if it's possible

PC, Mac or Windows file?

And can we get a screenshot of the error for our programmer?

What is your OS and which file did you download?

Can you explain what you did and what your operating system is?

Aww! We don't, but we have a Patreon. Even just a little bit every month would be a great help <3

Yes, he is LOL. Half-Chinese half-Filipino who moved to the US!

Not yet, but thank you for asking. I will make sure to put the triggers on the game profile when I have time!

Thank you for this feedback. Atm, I am making all the assets myself and I intend to put the main character into the CGs for a more customized experience, hence why the options are limited right now -- this is why the maker was not as extensive as I wanted it to be. Inclusivity is important to me, though, so I am taking this into consideration and see what I can implement without the code and the assets becoming cumbersome.

This version will be updated in increments up until the end of Chapter 1. Unfortunately, the team is just two dedicated people (me and a programmer), and people I hire to do things like music and such. I am gunning rly hard for the next update to drop on April or May but no promises. :( I do fulltime freelance work and write and make the assets myself, or commission others using money out of pocket. This makes the process very slow, as you can imagine LMAO.

Thank you for the input! I will adjust the times for the intro in the next upload :)

Haha, that's just where the Prologue ends! It'll be continued in the next update :3

Hello! Thank you for telling me about that, because I didn't know that was a thing that could be done haha. I've marked them now, I hope it works!

Reanimated Heart is a character-driven horror romance visual novel about finding love in a mysterious small town.

In a unique setting inspired by pulp horror, the player has to figure out how to build a life from scratch in a strange dimension where the sun never rises and supernatural creatures live freely. There are three mysterious love interests with their own distinct storylines and secrets to uncover, each of their routes contributing their own perspective to the wider story.


This game is actually my personal passion project. I really wanted to test my skills as an artist and writer, and breathe life to the characters in my head. I've been working on this for a year now with just a programmer and a couple of musicians.

It is currently free to play, and if you enjoy it, you can support us over at Patreon or help us spread the word! I've currently been paying everything I can't do myself out of pocket from my own savings because I'm in this for the love of it, so supporting this means I'll be able to commission more things like backgrounds, music, animations, and programs to make it the best game it could possibly be.

Hello! I'm an aspiring game developer looking for a background artist for a visual novel. You could either join our tiny team and be paid a fraction of Patreon income (+ game royalties) + be credited on release, or provide one-time paid labor. Either way, I'd love to see samples + your rates if you have them! (If you're not one, but would like to recommend someone, I'd love to hear about them, too.)

The project is a horror romance visual novel set in a pulp magazine inspired small town. If that's something you're interested in, I'd be happy to tell you more.