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A member registered Jul 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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It's a little hard but it's still fun!

Nice game. My only complaint is that the gravity is too low, and the player falls too slowly.

I love the 2.5D Visuals. But, for some reason the game is stuck in a loading screen for me.

This is a pretty neat game. Adding the leaderboard was a good idea, it makes it more replayable.

Nice game. Level 2 is too hard for me though :(. 

Good work on your first game! Keep making more games and you could definitely improve!

It kinda reminds me of Mario Party.

Nice, I love the concept.

Very nice concept.

I'm a bit confused about the game, but still, you did good job.

Interesting and funny story!

I love the combination of 2d and 3d assets.

The visuals looks great.

Thanks for playing!

I like the idea, but I think it needs gameplay variety.

I think the leaderboard is messed up, but still, this game is fun.

I like the idea! The leaderboard makes it so much more fun.

This is a nice concept for a game. I wish there was a leaderboard though.

I love the artstyle.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for playing! I haven't played Pony Island yet, but looking at gameplay videos, I could see the similarities.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for the detailed feedback!

It's a little hard for me, but it's still fun!

Interesting concept!

It's an interesting idea for the theme.

Cool game, kind of reminds of Atari games.

Nice game, I really like the concept.

Nice game, I love the visuals.

This is the hardest game I've ever played in the game jam so far! Good job!

It's challenging and fun!

Thanks, I appreciate it.

Good job! This is a creative way of making use of the theme.

Alright, I'll check your game out

I love the art style.

I wish there were more levels, but it still fun.

Interesting concept! I wish there was a leaderboard though.

It's an interesting concept, but it needs more polish.

Thanks, I'll check your game out.

It's a little hard but it's still cool!