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Dalton N. Drake

A member registered Sep 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you so much for the feedback and consideration! Based on your notes I've already come up with some improvements and corrections for the book. Your playthrough made me smile, especially when you "devolved in to little kid play." Definitely intended!

My thought process in creating this game was not only to provide a little game for kids and parents, but also to provide something fun and light-hearted for adults to play as a therapeutic experience.

I loved seeing the creativity of the arena being built, and I hope to see more of that from others who give it a go. The rules would be a lot less overwhelming with a group, especially the individual soul heart dice pool actions. One person keeping track of everything is definitely a recipie for "I'll just roll dice and do what I want" which is absolutely fine as long as it's fun. If you wouldn't mind, please DM me if you have additional thoughts so I can give them the consideration they deserve. Thanks again!

Thank you for playing and for the feedback! Was the video taken down? The link doesn't work. :(

I got to the end of the game and had the game shut off on me just like Xoana said. That has been addressed, but I don't see any kind of "odds" "statistics" "probability" or "chance" mechanics implemented here. It looks nice, and I do enjoy a good Zelda clone, but as Dallas said, it doesn't seem to fit the theme.

So much effort put into this. I spent a while trying to figure out RNG shenanigans on my own before reading the guide. I wish I'd read it sooner so I'd realize that each grass you step through changes the RNG. I had a great time with this. 

No, no! It would have been just right. I just had my headphones up too much as I do >.<

I really enjoy the atmosphere created by the simple design. I like the choice and loyalty mechanics, and I really dig the sort of 70s space vibes I get from it, sort of like how the original Star Trek aliens were all just people with stuff glued to their faces. I'd love to play a fully fleshed-out version of this.

I love the look of the game! It's very neon and reminds me of Geometry Wars a lot. That being said, I wish that there were some indications of some kind. Having no indication of what's happening at any given time sounds fun on paper, but without direction it ends up feeling a bit frustrating. Everything else is really cool. Great sound and art!

I couldn't get this to open at all, probably my system? The first time I tried to download it Chrome said "Woah, this is a virus." I got it to download eventually, but then it said my graphics card isn't compatible. I tried running it with the command line suggested, but it didn't recognize the operation, so I had to give up. I ended up watching the vod to see it in action. I think there are a lot of good ideas here, and I'd love to see it fleshed out and polished!

If there was a game like this available back when I was trying to learn these mathematical concepts, I may not have such an aversion to higher math now. I use these basic functions all the time when playing/designing other games, but a better grasp on algebra or calculus would have made me more successful in those pursuits. This game is simple, fun, and stimulating. The art is fantastic as well. I would highly recommend you take this to the next level with a Kickstarter or something. I think if you made a deck of cards with your unique art style and packaged it with the rules for the game it would be very successful. Great stuff!

(1 edit)

I'm a big fan of vocabulary games like Scrabble and Words With Friends. This game adds a new way to play that formula that's less involved and solo. I could see this game being very successful as a mobile app. Imagine you're sitting on a train or waiting for someone in your car and you want to play something to stimulate your brain. This would be perfect. Consider adding an exp/level up system for winning with unlockables such as "Lock two letters in the right place," "give me a definition of the word," "What does it start with?" etc. This has potential!

I've never played a "game book" before...well, maybe in another fashion? It reminds me a bit of the Zman Games "House of Danger" with less steps. This really gave me ideas for new content, so it's big in the inspiration category. I love the art, the design, and how smoothly it plays from start to finish once you get the rules (which weren't too complex at all!) Great game, super fun!

I enjoyed the environment and the absurdity of the premise of the game. After reading the pages of the manual, I was a bit overwhelmed with information, so it made me kind of want to put the game down. I persevered, though. Despite the information overload, I had a good time! Thanks for that game!

This is a very fun take on Blackjack. The powers really throw a monkey wrench into the formula, you can't count as strongly on probabilities. The ability to see your own had really helps alleviate some of that statistical strain. Overall, a solid game that I could see myself wasting some time on! Thank you for making it!

I love everything about this game. It's very engaging and addictive. There's almost a spinner box quality to it that makes you want to keep pushing. The game loop of Kill dudes => Get power => Kill more dudes...etc. uses that psychology. I love the sprites, and the color pallet and the weird sounds. Very cool game! Highly enjoyed it, so thank you for making it!

I'll echo the other comments here. Great presentation, hard to follow rules. I think I managed to beat like 70% of them without knowing what I was doing, but then I played a card and lost on turn one lol. 

My first playthrough I was still getting the hang of it. After I actually RTFM it was a lot better experience (go figure, right?) The play itself was okay, walk around, shoot and smash demons and pick up treasures for points. Pretty straightforward. However, the prose got me. As a writer myself, I really enjoyed what seemed like very personal accounts of the progression of transphobia in the US. I also like how, as the game progresses it adds more "Red-isms" to the log on the right. Very cool! 

I really enjoyed this! Quirky, charming, and replayable! This gave me definite Discworld vibes, and I liked the fact that Death has a soft spot for pets lol. Very cool little game. Thank you for submitting it!

I very much enjoy a good ol' fashioned rock, paper, scissors style game. This was pretty fun despite the fact that I had to play it on my potato laptop. (though, looking at the comments, it might have been my browser). I enjoyed the tactical aspect of seeing the opponent's remaining cards and planning accordingly, and I loved the fact that choosing not to use a card was an option to add a bit of strategic depth. Bonus points because it had a tutorial! Thanks for making this!

This game is pretty visceral. The music, imagery, and theming blend to create this darkly strange feeling that sat in my gut while playing. I was pretty uncomfortable the whole time, which I think was the point. I managed to kill myself with the first shot even though I "won" the rounds before. It was kind of shocking, especially because I had my headphones up just a bit too much lol. I also appreciated the trigger warnings at the beginning. It didn't bother me personally, but I know people like my wife would enjoy knowing the content before playing. Overall, super solid. Great job!

I'm having the same problem.

Simple, bonkers, chaos! Very fun, and the exploding dice are a great feature to get rid of stragglers. I enjoyed the game and played through all the demo stages. My only notes:

  • Distance between the paddle and the play area seems a little off. It might just be me (it probably is), but it seemed like the distance is just slightly too short.
  • I'm not sure if the shape of the dice cause them to fly sideways most often, or if it's some other issue, but it was hard to get my dice-balls to fly forward after a bit which slowed the game down a bit.

Honestly though these are very trivial notes and if you did nothing to address either of these it'd still be fun!

Some really neat stuff here!

  • High skill-ceiling gameplay
    • Not only do you have to not get hit to keep your damage high, but you have to master the art of resetting your dice and attacking at the same time.
    • Your alternative action button has 3 functions that activate differently based on the status of the character. This is a really neat way of adding variety without adding physical complexity.
  • The dice-damage mechanic
    • As long as you don't get hit, you're going to defeat enemies a lot faster. This is very engaging and rewards skill.
    • You can reroll the dice to try to recover from a slip-up. I couldn't figure out the exact mechanic behind the dice, whether it was time-based or enemy defeat-based, but the ability to slowly recover some of your lost progress by re-rolling helps people like me who aren't great at platformers.

Some things I would like to see:

  • A tutorial, at least on the functions of the dice mechanic and how re-rolls work. 
  • Some small story bit. It's not that important or necessary, but it'd help me want to continue to play the game if I knew what was going on---unless you're going with an emergent storytelling thing like the Souls series and I just didn't catch the details.

Overall, very solid. I don't like Metroidvania style platformers, but this had me playing for a while! Great job!